Moving Into The Dorms (Chapter 7)

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Shoto POV

  The rest of the week continued as usual, I got up in the morning for school, got the babies dressed, went to school, spoke with the babies during lunch, did hero training, and returned to the babies. It was finally Sunday, I got the whole day with the babies, except for this afternoon, I would have to return to the dorms and had to sneak the babies into and out of the dorms without anyone noticing. That is a problem for later to worry about but for now, I was spending time with my babies, I was currently taking a bath with them, which as always was difficult but I managed. Once we finished our bath we get out, I dry myself and dry them before dressing us, once we finished we headed back to the basement, where we made sure we had everything ready to go back to the dorms.

  I, eventually, moved to the backyard so we could get some sun, I was laying on the ground while holding the babies protectively in my arms. I stared up at the beautiful blue sky before glancing at the babies, they were both staring wide-eyed at the sky with me. I smiled and watched as the soft breeze blew the grass and flowers, I returned my gaze more towards the sky where I watch the leaves on the tree blow and sway in the breeze. "How about we go to the park," I say out loud, the babies stare up at me with wide eyes before Ayato giggles, I smile "I'll take that as a yes," I say before getting up with the babies. We head in and I change a little to hide my identity, thankfully, Touya went and bought a baby stroller yesterday so I didn't have to carry them again. Once I had my identity hidden, I put the babies in the stroller and made sure they were secure before making sure I had their baby bag, once I made sure I had everything we made our way to the park.

  We arrived at the park not long later, I gently took the babies out of the stroller before sitting down on a bench while holding them. I smile to myself as I watch them look at everything, the laughter of the children caught our attention and I smiled once again, hopefully, one day that would be them. I watch as families sat at picnics together, fathers play with their children, mothers read to their kids, and family being well families, I wish I could've had that and provided all of that to my kids. "Hello again," a familiar voice greeted making me jump slightly, I look towards the source and see Bakugou standing next to me "Oh hello," I say smiling even though he couldn't see it. The babies spot him and Ayato starts squealing while reaching for him, we both laugh softly at her actions "May I," he asks as he sits next to me and I nod letting him take her. She clings to him while Akira stares at him with wide eyes, "Ayato right," he asks and I nod "And he is," he asks while suggesting to Akira "Akira," I say smiling, "They are both cute," he says smiling softly, causing my heart to flutter. "Thank you," I say while glancing at Ayato before returning my gaze to the view "You remind me of someone," he says and I look at him "Do I," I ask and he nods. "You do but it wouldn't be possible," he says before shaking his head, I look at him confused before looking away "Who do I remind you of," I ask "My ex-boyfriend," he says with a soft chuckle. I glance at him "Is that a bad thing," I ask "No, he was really sweet and kind, overall such a wonderful person," he says smiling to himself "Why did y'all breakup then," I ask, is he talking about me? "As much as I loved him, it was too awkward, we would always have to act like we hated each other, eventually, he just took over my mind and I couldn't focus on anything anymore, I thought breaking up with him would help and it did slightly but now I just crave him even more," he says sighing sadly. "If you still love him, why don't you try to talk things out with him," I suggest, while really hoping it was me who he was talking about, "We haven't been together for several months now and he's going through something right now, I don't want to add onto his problems right now," he says sighing and I nod. "That's understandable but maybe try to reconnect your friendship, if you haven't already, try to get close to him again," I suggested and he nods. "I'll try," he says and with that silence fall upon us, with sit in silence enjoying our time in the peaceful park, eventually, it started to get late. "I have to go, thank you for hanging out with me," I say as I get up and place Akira in the stroller, he nods before handing me Ayato "Of course, it was great seeing you and it was great getting away from all those losers," he says chuckling and I laugh. I place Ayato in the stroller and made sure they were both secure "I'll see you around," I say smiling and he nods with that we go our separate ways.

  I arrived back at Natsuo's house not long later, I changed the babies' diapers before feeding them and changed clothes myself, and with that, I grab my stuff before I started putting it in Fuyumi's car. Once I had my stuff in the car I loaded the twins into the car, I get into the car with Fuyumi and with that, we drove to the dorms, which didn't take long to get there. "I'll text you for when you need to bring the babies and come get them," I say and she nods, I get out and kiss the babies before grabbing my stuff. I make my way into the dorms while carrying the stuff "Todoroki, you're back," Iida says as I enter the dorms and I smile before nodding "Yeah, I am," I say as I avoided everyone else going up to my dorm. I make it to my dorm room with only a little struggle, I ran into a couple of people who asked if I needed help but I denied any help. I enter my dorm room and closed the door behind me, I put away my stuff and set up some of the twins' stuff.

  I was in my room fixing more stuff about an hour later when there was a knock on the door, I cover some of the twins' stuff before slightly opening the door. I see Bakugou standing at the door "Can I help you," I ask, he looks me up and down before mumbling something "I wanted to let you know dinner is ready, we made soba," he says. I smile before nodding "Thank you, I'll be down in a minute," I say and he grumbles something before leaving, I smile to myself before closing the door. I made sure I had stuff up before grabbing my phone and heading downstairs, everyone either had their bowl of soba or was grabbing their bowl of soba, I made my way into the kitchen and grab a bowl of soba for myself before sitting down at the counter. Bakugou had cooked I could tell, I loved his soba, and I quietly enjoyed my food as I sit at the counter avoiding everyone else. Once I finished my soba I cleaned my bowl and made my way back to my dorm room, I quietly thanked Bakugou as I walked past him.

  I returned to my dorm room and waited for everyone to go to bed or at least go to their dorm rooms, while I waited I quietly read to myself. I heard a couple of shouts of goodnight before it fell quiet in the dorms, the dorm rooms were slightly soundproof so that was something I didn't have to worry about too much. I texted Fuyumi before I waited another 10 minutes, once I was sure everyone was in bed I grabbed a throw blanket and quickly made my way to the front gates. I ran up to Fuyumi who was holding the babies trying to shush them as they had a blanket draped over them, I gently took them from her and said my goodbyes before I made my way to the dorms. I quietly comforted the babies who stopped crying, I made sure they were covered in the throw blanket before entering the dorms, I quickly rushed to my dorm room and locked the door behind me as I entered. I uncovered the babies and smiled down at them as they looked around confused "Ayato, Akira, welcome to the place you'll be staying most of the time," I whispered to them. I smiled at them again before changing them and getting ready for bed, once we were ready for bed we laid down and it didn't take long until we all fell asleep.

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