Training (Chapter 4)

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Shoto POV

  I jerk awake as I hear crying next to me, it was Ayato, she would cry at night and reach but it wasn't me who she wanted, I don't know who she wanted but she wanted someone. I carefully get up from bed and make a barrier around Akira before picking up Ayato, I softly shushed her as I walked around while she cried on my shoulder. Her crying stop but the tears didn't, I sighed softly as I carefully sat on the bed and cradled her in my arms, she stared at me with big red and teal eyes. I smiled softly at her and she smiled back, I place a small kiss on her head and she giggles quietly, "I wish I knew what you wanted," I whispered, I carefully hold her while she slowly fell back to sleep. I undid the barrier around Akira and placed myself back into bed while I held both Akira and Ayato protectively in my arms.

  I got up for school not long later, I gently dressed the babies before dressing myself, and I fed them before eating something myself. Once everything was ready Fuyumi and I left with the babies so I could go to school, I gave them a bunch of kisses before leaving to head to class. Touya was watching them today instead of Fuyumi because she had to go to work, I knew I was going to get more phone calls from Touya because of the babies and that was going to make me worry but I knew Touya would protect them. I enter the school and made my way to class, that when I heard the whispers and comments, I got a lot of them back when I was pregnant but I ignored them because I was pregnant but now they still continuing. I shook my head and ignored them before entering my classroom, I see of them whispering all looking upset before they changed their attitude upon seeing me. They greeted me but I simply sighed and walked to my desk, with that I waited for class to begin, making little to no talk with my friends.

  I ended up doing the same thing as the day before for lunch, Touya was very much relieved for that and I was also relieved to be able to talk to my babies. I, unfortunately, wasn't going to get to see my babies any time soon thanks to my old man, he wanted me to come over for training, which we all knew was just an abuse session. So instead of looking forward to class ending, I was dreading it, I flinched slightly when the last bell rang, I had already informed my siblings to not expect me until another hour or 2. I made my way to my dorm a lot slower than usual, I changed clothes into my training clothes for the old man, and I stuff my uniform in my bag before making my way to the exit. Once again I was stopped before I could exit the dorms "Todoroki," I stopped and walked over to Midoriya who was sitting with the rest of his friends on the couch "Hello," I greet sitting next to them. "When will you be able to come back to the dorms again," Uraraka asks "Maybe next week," I responded "Can you hang out any this week," Midoriya asks, I shake my head "I can not," I respond before getting up checking the time. "I have to go, I'll see y'all tomorrow," I say before leaving, I sighed as I quietly walk to the old man's place, I just wanted to be with my kids.

  I, hesitantly, enter the old man's place, I close the door quietly before heading to my room, and I quickly stuffed a few clothes into my bag before hiding my bag. I quietly walk to the training room where the old man was already waiting while meditating, "Shoto, you are almost an hour late," he yells. "You never gave me a specific time and I don't want to be here anyways," I say rolling my eyes, I was quickly met with a punch to the stomach before I could even react. "Since you have attitude and clearly ready, we are going to start and I'm not going to go easy," he yells "When do you ever," I say which earned me another punch to the stomach. The so-called training session continued on for about an hour, I was so relieved it was over, I could barely move from the floor, I was still weak from giving birth, and now this.

  I ended up laying there for a good bit before I was finally able to get up, I made my way to my room where I quickly changed clothes. I grabbed my bag and left, I slowly made my way to Natsuo's house, I sighed quietly as I saw both Fuyumi and Natsuo's car in the driveway. I slowly enter the house hearing the cries of my babies, their crying slowed as they look towards the door, everyone was sitting on the couches with the babies in their arms. "Sho," Fuyumi exclaims worriedly placing the baby in her arms down in the bassinet before rushing to me, Natsuo quickly rushes to my side as well. "Shoto, are you okay," Natsuo asks worriedly "I think I-," I start to say before collapsing and being caught by Natsuo, my eyes fell shut despite my protests.

  I woke up in my bed in the basement, my siblings all sitting on the couch in the basement while holding the babies who were just staring at me. I slowly sat up, ignoring my body's protests, this caught the attention of the babies making them both cry out and reach for me, catching the attention of my siblings. My siblings quickly rush over to me "Sho, are you feeling okay," Fuyumi asks concerned, I nod even though I wasn't "Yes, please give me my babies," I say reaching for them. They reluctantly gave them to me, I immediately held them close as they clung to me, "Shoto, you shouldn't have gone over there," Touya says angrily "You should have told us," Fuyumi says worriedly "Your body is still healing, you could have died and then these babies would have nothing, do you want that," Natsuo yells. I flinch a little before shaking my head as I began to shake and cling to my babies tighter "I don't but if I didn't he would just come looking for me, if he found out I wasn't at the dorms he'd punish me worse, and if he finds out about the babies he-he-," I say as my tears spill from my eyes. All my siblings took a breath, trying to calm down "It's okay, Sho, but please let us know next time, maybe we can stop it," Fuyumi says calmly, I nod slowly. "How about you get some rest, you have school tomorrow," Fuyumi says again and I nod before laying down again holding my babies close to me, slowly falling asleep as my siblings left with a sigh.

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