Babysitters (Chapter 10)

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Shoto POV

  The week quickly flew by, I didn't get any more extra rest, I probably got less rest since I was stressing about if Recovery Girl kept her word or not. Luckily, today was Sunday so I got to rest and spend the day with the babies, and a few classmates who wanted me to hang out with them but I denied. I did have to leave the babies at one point, I made sure they were asleep and were secured before I quickly left to get food as well as drink. I felt a little bad because I didn't want to leave my babies alone so I practically ignored everyone or quickly waved them off. Once I ate and drank a little, I began reading to the twins, yes I did have a tv but a mother's voice is very important to children. They may be young but a voice of a mother can leave a long-lasting impact on a child no matter the age, I want them to have memories of me that are good, you never know when they might be the last.

  I was reading to the twins out loud, they both wide awake listening to every word I say, they giggled every now and then before there was a knock on the door. I frowned slightly before securing the babies in the bassinet I had in my room, I went to the door and opened it slightly so whoever it was couldn't see in my room. It was Aizawa Sensei, "Aizawa Sensei, can I help you," I asked "I was wanting to talk to you about your behavior recently, may I come in," he asks. "Sorry Sensei but I preferred if you didn't enter," I say and he nods "Very well, I got on the security cameras today and can you please explain why you sneak in and out every night as well as the morning before anyone wakes up carrying something hidden," he asks. I felt slight panic rise as I tried to calm down "Well uh, I have something that I need every night to go to sleep but it's a bit of a private matter so I don't want people to know," I explained nervously. "Is it a health thing," he asks raising an eyebrow "Uhm sort of I guess," I say "Then why hasn't your medical history been updated to it," he asks. I avoided eye contact "Uhm I don't know," I mumble "Also I would also like to know why you didn't do the same thing this morning, so whatever it is, is still in your room," he says. "Sir, I understand you are acting on concern and authority but I must ask you to-," I start to say before my eyes widen as Ayato starts crying, his eyes also widen "Todoroki is that-," he starts to ask. "N-no, it's the tv," I excused, as I glance towards the bassinet "Todoroki, let me in," he says sternly and I quickly shake my head "No, I can't, you can't," I try to say as I glance at the crying baby. 

  I quickly rush over to the baby and calmly calmed them down even though I was not calm, I look up worriedly as Aizawa stepped in and closes the door behind him, he sighs as he looks at me. "Todoroki, why didn't you tell anyone," he asks worriedly and I quickly shake my head "Because they can't know, nobody can know," I say as tears threaten my eyes. Ayato starts to whimper and tear up, I quickly pick her up as I tried to calm her down while trying to calm myself down, "Is this why you collapsed," he asks "Yes and no, it was after effect from stress and it was something else as well," I say sighing. "I will have to tell the school and your family," he says and I quickly shook my head "No, you can't tell anyone," I yell, he looks taken back at first before sighing. "I have to, this is something too big to hide, you are in no position to do any of this like this," he says "You can't tell anyone, I'm fine, Recovery Girl promised she'll help, everything will be fine and it will work out, you just have to stay quiet," I beg. "Todoroki, we can't keep this hidden from the school, especially, if you're living in the school and we need to inform your family this is a family matter," he says concerned "No, this stays between us no one can know if people know, then he will know and he'll take them away, he'll hurt them, he'll hurt me," I say panicked. I hold Ayato closer as tears begin to spill from my eyes and Akira began to cry, his eyes widen as he glances into the bassinet seeing the other baby before he calms down while I tried to calm the babies. "He, who is he," he asks and I shake my head "I can't tell you but you can't tell anyone or he will find out," I say trying to calm down, he gently takes Akira calming him down "Todoroki, are you in danger," he asks worriedly. "As long as you don't tell anyone," I say as I began to calm down making the babies calm down, he sighs "We'll keep this on the down-low, this will stay between us but let me call my husband, we can help you take care of the babies, we can babysit so you can rest and don't have to sneak around constantly," he says. I look at him slightly shocked "H-husband," I ask and he nods "I'm married to Present Mic," he says sighing "O-oh, as long as y'all swear this stays between us, for the safety of my kids and myself," I begged. "We swear, Hizashi may be a loud mouth but he's a good understanding person, he knows how to keep a secret," he says with a chuckle and I smile slightly. I look down at Ayato as she stares up at me before looking at Akira in Aizawa's arms who is staring at Aizawa, he smiles down at him "How old are they," he asks and I smile " 3 weeks tomorrow," I say and he frowns. "They are really young, and so are you," he says and I smile sadly "It happens, sometimes you make mistakes and those mistakes leave you to be a single teenage parent but even though it left me in heartbreak I don't regret it," I say sadly as I stare down at my babies. "Who all knows," he asks, I sigh "You, Recovery Girl, and my siblings," I say sighing "What about doctors," he asks "It was an at-home birth, my brother is a doctor and my sister did training to be a midwife," I say sighing. "You didn't have much stuff for a proper birth, who's the father," he asks skeptically, I chuckle softly "You wouldn't believe it," I say "I'm assuming it's someone in your class and there are only 3 students with red eyes, the babies hold an obvious look that they aren't Tokoyami's, Kirishima calls you bro all the time and I assume if you did it would someone you wouldn't call them bro, and you don't get along with Bakugou very well," he says analyzing the possibilities. I laugh softly "You analyze very well but if you look closer you see that Bakugou and I have grown closer, he is the father," I say smiling softly but sadly "Bakugou, I would never have guessed," he says. I nod smiling softly at our memories "I'm going to get Hizashi, I promise this will stay between us and no one else will be involved," he says and I nod, with that, he leaves.

  I calm down and take care of the babies while waiting for him to come back with Mic Sensei, it wasn't long until he returned. I cradled the babies in my arms before I hear a knock on the door "Todoroki, it's me," I hear Aizawa Sensei call out "Come in," I say and the door enters. "Hizashi, please remain calm and quiet," he scolds "I know, you told me that 10 times," Mic Sensei says as he enters behind Aizawa who closes the door behind them. "Hello Mic Sensei," I greet awkwardly, Mic's eyes widen at the sight of me on the bed holding the twins "Are those babies," he asks. "Yes, those babies belong to Todoroki," Aizawa explains as he sits next to me carefully, Mic slowly walks up and sits down on the opposite side of me. They both look at the peacefully sleeping babies "Hizashi, we're going to be helping Todoroki hide the babies, we'll be watching them during classes, during training, and whenever he asks us to, this will remain between us and no one will know, this depends on Todoroki and his babies lives," Aizawa explains. Mic looks at him before looking at me concerned "Depends on your lives, are you in danger," he asks worriedly "As long as you stay quiet, I won't be," I say sighing sadly. He nods "Your secret will be safe with me, I will do anything to help you," he says and I smile nodding "Thank y'all," I say and they smile before nodding. "Would y'all like to hold them," I ask and they nod skeptically, I gently handed the twins to them, then gently cradle the babies in their arms cooing at them "I have to go to the bathroom, I'm trusting y'all a lot right now so please don't break that trust," I say as I get up and they nod "We won't," Aizawa says. 

  I leave to go to the bathroom, once I return I smile softly at the sight of them talking sweetly to the babies who are now awake, both had tears swelling up in their eyes. "They didn't cause any trouble, did they," I ask smiling "They started crying after you left but we seem to get them to calm down," Mic says smiling softly. I sit back on the bed, "I must warn y'all, the babies seem to get very upset if I'm not around for a while, I often have to spend my free time during classes talking to them, so if y'all ever need help during classes just call me, I'll talk to them," I explained. They nod "We might be doing that often," Aizawa chuckles softly while Mic laughs, "So who's the father," Mic asks, I chuckled softly "It's Bakugou," I say. His face turns to shock "Bakugou, I thought y'all hated each other," Mic says shocked "Yeah me too," Aizawa says chuckling, I smile. "We have our moments but we aren't together and he doesn't know about them, so please do not talk about this around no one even if they know, only talk about it if we are around and only us," I say and they nod. "We won't tell anyone," Mic says and Aizawa nods "Here, we'll let you rest with the babies, I'll come watch them tomorrow," Aizawa says as he hands me the baby. I smile and nod, I take the other baby from Mic "Thank y'all, I really appreciate it," I say smiling softly and they nod before leaving. Once they leave, I returned back to reading to the babies, not long later we fell asleep after getting ready for bed.

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