Mission Gone Wrong (Chapter 14)

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Shoto POV

  A couple of days have passed since the babies had been sick, they were feeling a lot better thanks to Recovery Girl. I was able to catch up on all the work I had missed, Mic Sensei and Aizawa Sensei have both been a great help with babies. Today, we had to go on a mission, it was a raid mission to take down a group of villains that stole stuff to make a poisonous bomb. I was a little nervous about this mission since it had been a while since my last mission and my body still wasn't fully healed but I needed to do this to avoid suspicion.

  Midoriya, Bakugou, Iida, Kirishima, and I would all be on this mission along with a few pro heroes. I glanced at everyone in the room as we suited up for the mission they all seemed excited about the mission, it had been a while since we had been on a mission so I got it but I couldn't help but be nervous. Once we were suited up we began to make our way to meet up with the others to get ready to leave. "Todoroki, are you okay," Midoriya asks placing a hand on my shoulder, I flinch softly but quickly play it off "Yeah, sorry, just nervous for some reason," I excused. "Don't be nervous, Todobro, you should be excited, we're finally going on a mission, it has been too long," Kirishima said excitedly "Tch, shut up Shitty Hair, you shouldn't take this so lightly," Bakugou argued. "Don't worry Todoroki, it will be alright, we'll have your back," Midoriya reassured, I nodded and swallowed back my nerves before continuing with them.

  Once we discussed the plan we headed to the place which was an abandoned building in the woods with an old dirt path leading to it. Once we got the clear we all began to head inside the building, we quickly ran into villains and with that the fight began. We all began splitting up clearing every room that we came across, as we clear the room we hear a pro calling out that they found the stolen stuff. We followed finding a room that looked like a lab, weird chemicals and machines laying everywhere along with the stolen stuff. Once we cleared everything and got the stuff we began making our way back outside with the police taking the villains into custody.

  I entered a room on my way out to make sure it was cleared, I was about to finish clearing when the others walked in. "See Todobro, everything's okay, only a few cuts and bruises," Kirishima says smiling "No need to be so worried Todoroki but Kirishima you need to start taking these kind of things more seriously," Iida scolded. I smiled and nodded "Come on guys, we need to catch up with the others," Midoriya says chuckling at Iida and Kirishima antics. With that they began making their way out "Good job today," Bakugou says with a soft smile before following the others. "You too," I say as I watch him walk away with the others, I couldn't help but let the blush take over my cheeks and the smile on my lips.

  I was about to follow them when I heard a noise behind but before I could react pain rushed through my chest causing me to gasp in pain. I trembled in pain as I glanced down to see a sword sticking through my chest, I gasped in pain as the sword is yanked out causing me to stumble before falling to the ground. I curled up in pain, I hear a few footsteps before hearing the clatter of the sword fall to the ground before the villain runs off. I gasp in pain as I try to move, blood pouring around me I couldn't help but silently cry as I can't find my voice. I need to get home, I need to see my babies, they need me, I can't leave them like my mother did, they need me, please. My sweet babies, my sweet Ayato and Akira, I love y'all so much and I'm so sorry if I don't make it home, I know Aizawa and Yamada will do the right thing.

  My vision began to blur as I struggle to stay awake from blood loss, I heard faint footsteps before they stopped in front of the room. Someone quickly kneels in front of me, I slowly look at them seeing it was Bakugou, I couldn't help but smile. "Shoto, Shoto, come on stay awake, help is coming," he says panicked, he begins to apply pressure to my wound making me whimper in pain. "I know I know, DEKU," he says as tears begin to fall from his eyes, I hear rush footsteps before someone else appears "Kacchan did you fi- TODOROKI," I hear Midoriya gasp. "Go get help now," Bakugou says before Midoriya runs off, "K-Katsuki," I struggle to say wincing in pain "It's okay, it's okay," he repeats. "I-I'm sorry," I whimper "Hey, don't apologize and don't talk like you're going to die, your not, your not," he says as more tears stream down his face. I use my last strength to place my hand on his cheek, he quickly uses one of his hands to hold it there I smile at him before it became to much and my body goes limp, my hand going limp in his hand before everything goes dark.

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