2. Practice

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The next day wasn't any better. Andrew completely ignored her as if she was the problem. She kept her head down to avoid facing him and his stupid little friends.

"So Star. How's it feel to know that I stole your man without even trying?" Angel says.

She tears up while everyone laughs. Even Andrew. She takes her seat while Nick looks at her, feeling bad for her.

"Hey Andrew. If you're going to rub in Star's face that you're fucking a slut, maybe make sure she doesn't have crabs first. Would hate to see you sick because of an STD" Nick snaps.

Angel's face drops as if she'd just been exposed. Andrew chuckles but notices Angel's face.

"Wait" Andrew says, leaving Nick smirking.

While Andrew and Angel argue about the info, Nick moves seats to be next to Star.

"How are you today, sweetheart?" Nick asks her.

She smiles softly.

"Better now after that" she says.

He smirks and hands her a small paper.

"Wait till later to open it" he says.

She furrowed her eyebrows but listened. She puts it in her pocket and pulls out her books and binders that she was going to need for the class.

"You ready to come see us practice tonight?" he asks her.

She smiles and nods.

"I'm excited. Everyone in school talks about you guys all the time so I'm excited to actually see what you guys are all about" she tells him.

The lights get dimmed as the teacher walks in.  But it wasn't their normal teacher.

"Hey class. I'm your sub for the class. Your teacher has instructed me to just put on a movie for you guys and let you all just watch. He also said that y'all could sit where you'd like in the room" the sub says.

Star was happy to hear that. She goes into the very back and sits in the bean bags the teacher has back there. Nick stands up and joins her.

"Thanks for what you said about Angel. How'd you know?" she asks him.

He smirks.

"She's tried to get with me too. I told her I didn't want her nasty STD infested ass and she asked how I knew. I was more guessing but since she confirmed it, I knew I could say it" Nick says.

She smiles.

"Still. He never stood up for me. No one ever has" she informs him. 

Nick's face changes to a serious one as he looks up at Andrew who is ignore Angels attempts to talk to him.

"You really deserve so much better" Nick mumbles.

She looks at him then her phone as the movie gets played.

Andrew had been trying to talk to his now ex girlfriend all day but she wasn't having it. While waiting for Nick after classes, Andrew approaches her.

"Star?" he says.

She turns around and sees her now ex.

"What do you want, Andrew?" she asks.

He faces her.

"I want to apologize. I hurt you and I'm sorry. I don't have any excuse but I don't want this to end" he tells her.

Nick comes out of the building to see her waiting for him but uncomfortably talking to Andrew.

"Andrew. You ended it when you decided you wanted some slut over me. I've been good to you for the last 4 fucking years and you've done nothing but treat me like shit over and over again. I'm done letting you fucking throw me away like trash. Please just leave me alone. You only want me right now because you're whore has crabs. I've so glad we haven't slept together in over a year" she explains.

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