Ch.11 Bite

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It's the night of the full moon.

The night Andrew is to lose his father.

The last chance for Bad Omens to save Nick's connection. They load up on equipment and make sure they are stocked up on blood to keep them strong enough.

Andrew and his pack begin getting ready to lose their alpha. They begin to prepare for a new alpha.

Star has been secretly focusing her energy all night so she can kill Andrew once and for all. She'd been channeling her powers throughout her body. She could feel the heat and fire running through her blood and veins.

Her eyes shoot open as they burn redish orange. An orange aura emanates off of her body as she lets the phoenix take over. Bright red and orange fiery wings sprout on her back. They almost looked like bird wings.

One of the wolves notices a bright orange light and turns around as the door blasts off of the hinges. Both wolves go flying into the concrete wall behind them.

"MAYDAY, MAYDAY, SHE'S ESCAPED. I REPEAT SHE'S ESCAPED" the uninjured wolf yells out loud to get the other wolves attention.

Andrew hears the cry for help as the window break in. There stands Bad Omens.

"You guys find her. He's mine" Nick tells the guys.

Andrew smirks as the guys speed out the door.

"How many times do I need to beat your ass for you to get the hint. I can and will kill you" Andrew teases Nick.

Nick flashes his fangs as they pace in a circle. Andrew chuckles.

"I can do that too blood sucker" Andrew says as he roars at Nick half transformed.

They break into a fight. Meanwhile, the other wolves are struggling to fight her off. She throws fireballs. Goes invisible and stabs with sharp bladed feathers.

"Where the hell is she?" one wolf asks before feeling the sharp feather in his side, as blood pours out of his mouth.

"Try me" she says in almost another voice.

She drops the wolf as she hears Bad Omens' voices coming into the basement area. She turns around as another wolf tries to get her from behind. She whips her arm back and blasts him with a fireball as Jolly's, Nicholas', and Noah's faces arrive in the doorway.

"Hello boys. Come to rescue me" she asks in her other voices.

They looked terrified.

"That's not our Star" Noah says.

The boys equipment up.

"Damn. Here I thought you guys loved me" she says with a smirk.

"Star. This isn't you. We will use force if we have too" Nicholas says.

She lets out a loud chuckle as another wolf tries to come at her from the side. Noah fires a silver bullet at the wolf. It hits the wolf and they go down. She looks at the downed wolf.

"He was mine" she says, looking back at the boys. "Now if you don't get out of my way and let me do what I need to do, I will hurt all three of you."

Noah slightly turns to the boys, motioning for them to lower their weapons.

"Adda boys" she says as she flies through the roof.

"Nick will handle her. We need to handle the wolves down here" Noah instructs.

The guys listen as Star makes her way up to Andrew and Nick. She throws Andrew's room door open as both boys look her way.

"Baby" Nick says.

With one swift movement of her hand, Nick goes flying against the wall. Andrew, now frightened, tries to lunge at her. She grabs him by the throat and lifts him off the ground. She's much stronger than he is.

"You tried to kill me" she says.

He tries to swallow hard hearing a different voice coming out of her. Nick looks up at her in fear. She begins to squeeze harder as he desperately tries to pry her hands from around his neck.

"Star please. I just wanted to help you" Andrew tries to plead.

She chuckles, rage lacing her laugh.

"Wrong answer" she says, launching him into his bed frame.

Nick struggles to get up but realizes his leg is broken and not healing.

"Baby please. Listen to me. This isn't you" Nick says.

She turns to Nick.

"You're right. I am the darker side of Star. The side who wants to punish him for what he put her through" her other voice says.

"Let me take care of this. If you kill him, this will forever be on her conscience. She won't be able to handle it" Nick pleads.

She furrows her eyebrow as Nick sees Nick's father appear behind her.

"STAR LOOK OUT" Nick yells.

She turns around but it's too late. His father grabs her from behind and sinks his fangs into her shoulder.

"NOOOOOO" Nick yells.

"You're too late" Andrew says, smirking and wiping blood off his lips.

His father drops her body as she detransforms. Nick crawls over to her and wraps her in his arms.

"We won" Andrew's father says.

Nick holds her close to him and sinks his teeth into her other shoulder, just enough for his venom to seep into her blood.

"What do you think you're doing?" his father snaps, kicking him away from her.

"Counteracting your bite" Nick says, wiping his mouth.

His father kicks Nick to the side as the guys appear in the doorway.

"You think you're going to win. THE BLOOD SUCKERS NEVER WI-"

His sentence is cut off. He looks down to see a bullet hole through his heart.

"DADDDDD" Andrew screams.

Noah blows the smoke off the gun.

"Check mate."

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