Ch.6 Attack

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Andrew would watch them together. He'd been stalking her for weeks. He'd seen Nick going in and out of the apartment they once shared. He'd been watching Nick pick her up every morning and take her home every afternoon. He hated him. He was determined to expose Nick to her and let her know what kind of person or thing Nick Folio was not knowing that she already knew.

As she gets ready for her date, He watches through what used to be their window. Her phone rings in which she goes to answer it. He then listens in on her conversation.

"I'm getting ready now. Where were you wanting to go?" she asks Nick.

He can see her pacing the room as she bites the tip of her thumb nail, excited and anxious for their date. He gets out of the car and storms up to her apartment to see her. He needs to see her. He continues to listen to the conversation until he makes it to the door.

He knocks right as she hangs up the call. She skips happily to the door and opens it, expecting to see Nick there but disappointed to see her shitty ex.

"What do you want, Andrew? I'm kind of busy" she snaps.

"What? Getting ready for your date with Nick?" he asks.

Her heart falls into her stomach.

"How do you know?" she asks.

He scoffs.

"I'm not fucking stupid Star. I know you're seeing him. I'm here to make sure that doesn't happen" he says.

He goes to barge in while she tries to keep the door shut. But she ultimately fails as Andrew throws the door open, knocking her to the ground.

As Nick parks his car, he notices an all too familiar looking car in the parking lot. He immediately gets out of his car and sprints upstairs to make sure she's okay. He gets to her door and notices the door wide open. He swallows hard as he carefully and slowly enters the apartment.

Broken glass covers the floors. Blood everywhere. He hears soft cries from her room and rushes in to find Andrew with his claws out and hand wrapped around her throat.

"You come one step closer and I'll rip her fucking throat out" Andrew tells Nick.

Nick looks at the girl who's beaten and bloody.

"Please" she weakly pleads.

Andrew digs his claws into her throat more and more as she struggles.

"You think you can take my girl from me and there wouldn't be any repercussions. Oh blood sucker, you are sorely fucking mistaken" Andrew snaps.

"I'm the one you want Andrew, let her go" Nick begs.

Andrew smiles maniacally.

"That's right. Beg blood sucker. If I can't have her, then I will make sure that no one else can either" Andrew says.

Nick looks at her, as she struggles to breathe, his claws officially penetrating her skin. Nick can smell her blood, he's hungry. He hadn't had human blood in years.

"You smell it, don't you?" Andrew asks.

Tears fall from her eyes as she struggles to hold on. Her eyes begin to glow as do Nick's. Nick knew what he had to do but he'd have to risk hurting her to hurt him.

"Do it" she strains out.

Nick launches himself at Andrew as he proceeds to rip out her throat. Nick shouts in anger and pain as he tackles Andrew to the ground.

Her injured body falls to the floor as she bleeds out. As the two wrestle on the ground, she fights everything in her body telling her to let go.

She'd done her research and knew what would happen if she were to die but the thought of dying still scared her. Nick manages to kick Andrew out of the open window then rushes over to Star, holding her in his arms.

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