Ch.7 Girlfriend?

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He wasn't sure how she was able to sleep but she was. He wanted to rip Andrew limb from limb after what he did to her. He can't help but watch her sleep. It took everything in him not to join her in the shower earlier in the day.

He is worried about what will happen to her when Andrew finds out she's actually alive and breathing. He rubs her back as she sleeps, watching over her.

"I don't know what it is about you. I feel like if you died then life wouldn't be worth living" he whispers to her.

She continues to sleep peacefully, blissfully unaware that he hadn't slept yet. He stands up and goes to head downstairs when he feels her hand grab his. He turns around to see her still asleep but holding his hand tightly, as if she doesn't want him to leave her. He sits back down and scoots closer to her.

He runs his finger along her hairline and smiles. She carefully opens her eyes and smiles slightly.

"Hi" she says softly.

He smiles back and rubs her forehead.

"Hi pretty girl. You should go back to sleep" he tells her.

She scoffed softly.

"I can't. Nightmares" she says.

He then goes to lay down with her. She scoot over so he can. He drapes his hand over her cheek and caresses it. She leans into his hand and sighs in relief.

"You're real," she says.

He furrowed his eyebrows as her hand met his. She then turns her head to kiss his hand.

"I've never had someone treat me so well the way that you do" she says.

He leans in and kisses her forehead.

"I would never want to treat you badly. You are everything I've ever wanted and more. I will protect you with every fiber of my being. I would die for you over and over again to make sure that you are safe and protected" he expresses to her.

She smiles and leans into him, their lips just inches apart. He swallows hard as he fights to grab her and kiss her.

"I want to kiss you" she whispers.

He holds onto her cheek a little tighter as he leans in and kisses her with passion. He pulls her in by the waist and holds her tightly. The kiss begins to deepen a bit as he rolls them over so he's now hovering over her. They pull away for a split second when she notices that his eyes are significantly darker than before. They are the blood red they were when he finally came out to her about what he is.

She admires him, touching his face in awe. She rubs her fingers along his cheeks and chin then trails back up to run her fingers through his hair causing him to growl slightly. She smirks to herself, liking what she's hearing.

"You keep doing that and I may have to tear your clothes off" he tells her.

She giggles to herself as she continues to run her fingers through his hair. She pulls him down into her, connecting their lips.

They didn't end up doing anything besides making out. He wants to ask her to officially be his since she is now living with him for the time being. He holds her tightly as she sleeps. They had to be up in just a few hours for school so she needed to get all the sleep she could.

He just looks down at her with a longing look. He'd never felt something so strong for someone like he does for her. But his hunger is something that he worries about on a daily basis. He's constantly hungry for her but can't control it.

He gets up from the bed and heads downstairs to look around the loft. He looks out the window where he can hear the faint sound of wolves howling. He looks over in the main area to see Noah, Nicholas, and Jolly all sleeping, just in case something happened and they needed to spring into action to help their fellow member and his connection.

As he smiles, he hears footsteps approaching but not inside the loft. From the outside.

"I know she's alive. I'll kill her over and over again. I don't know how else I need to prove to you that she will be mine.You may have wolfsbane surrounding this place, but I will get to her. Don't worry blood sucker" he hears.

He looks down as Andrew looks up, smirking. Nick can feel his rage turning his eyes red as his veins begin to pop out underneath his eyes. Andrew turns on his heels and takes off into the night.

Nick feels a warm hand on his shoulder and turns his head slightly to see his connection standing behind him. She then wraps her arms around his waist and holds him from behind.

"You okay?" she asks him.

He takes a deep breath, taking in her scent and smiles softly.

"I am now, sweet girl" he tells her.

Nick had decided that he was going to stay home to take care of the young girl while his band mates spent the day at the studio. As the sun comes up, Nick reaches onto his nightstand to get his ring to keep him from burning. He then looks back down at the young girl who still sleeps in his arms.

He worried for her.

Phoenixes only have a certain limit of deaths they can die. Once they run out, they don't come back.

Her eyes slowly flutter open, earning a smile from him.

"Good morning gorgeous" he tells her.

She smiles and blushes.

"I thought I'd keep you home today after what happened yesterday. I didn't want seeing him to cause anything to happen to you" Nick tells her.

She reaches over to grab her phone to check the time where she sees hundreds of threatening messages from Andrew and his friends. She knows what Andrew is now and she could expose her but that would also mean exposing Nick and herself in the process. She swallows hard and lays her phone back down.

"I wish I could forget that I ever dated that abusive shit" she tells Nick, looking into his eyes.

Nick reaches down to caress her face earning a slight smile from her.

"You are so beautiful" he tells her.

She blushes badly causing a chuckle from him.

"Are you flirting with me Mr. Folio?" she asks him.

He chuckles as he leans down closer to her. Her face falls as she stares into his dark brown eyes.

"Is that a problem, darling?" he asks.

Her heart fluttered when he called her that. Her eyes flick from his eyes to his lips.

"N-No" she stutters.

He smirks as he pulls away. She smacks his arm playfully as he laughs.

"How about I make you some breakfast? Then we can watch some movies or we can go to the mini studio we have in the basement" he says.

Since she was irritated that she didn't get her kiss, she smirks.

"Or. We could do this" she says.

He furrows a brow as she gets on top of him and pins him down to the bed. He smirks up at her.

"I like the way you think, babygirl" he tells her.

She giggles as she leans down, connecting their lips. She holds his face tightly as he grips into her back tightly. He begins to rock her hips back and forth, earning soft moans out of her. She pulls away and chuckles.

"I don't wanna go too fast" she tells him.

He smiles and wraps a hand around her cheek. She leans into his hand.

"I wouldn't dream of going any further right now" he tells her.

She smiles.

He begins to realize truly how he feels about this girl. His undead heart swells whenever he sees her. The constant urge to kiss her. The butterflies he feels whenever she smiles.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asks.

She smiles huge and kisses him passionately.

"I thought you'd never ask" she tells him.

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