Ch.12 Connection

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While Andrew was distracted with his father, the guys managed to get her out of there. She was unconscious and it scared Nick because he didn't know which bite took.

Both bite wounds healed perfectly though she hasn't woken up. Nick could still feel the stronger pull to her so he was almost certain they were still connected but there is no way of knowing until she wakes up.

Andrew was grieving the fall of his father and several wolves that died in the fight. He was more enraged than ever. He was able to take the alpha power from his father before his life officially slipped away.

Nick was beyond pissed. He was possibly going to lose the love of his life to the bite of a werewolf. He didn't know how to reverse it. He didn't even know if she was going to wake up.

"Any indication on when she will wake up?" Noah asks Jolly.

Jolly shakes his head and looks up at the stairs where Nick lays in his bed, depressed. He'd never felt like this before.

"No. I can feel the pull on her connection with Nick. But I don't know if she'll wake up like that" Jolly says.

It's been a week and they knew that they were soon going to need help.

As Noah and Nicholas walk into their record label, Noah can't help but wonder what's going to happen to Nick if she wakes up not connected to him. They walk into their manager's office who looks up and smiles.

"Hello boys. What can I help you with?" Miles asks them.

"It's Nick. His connection has fallen into a coma after being bitten by both a vampire and werewolf" Nicholas explains.

Miles pulls out his spell book from his desk as he shuts the door.

"Is she human?" Miles asks.

Noah and Nicholas look at one another. Noah sighs and looks down.

"She's the daughter of the phoenix. She's officially transformed. She was bitten by the Wegner Alpha and bitten by Nick one right after the other. Jolly can feel her connection to Nick but he can also feel a mate connection with Andrew" Noah explains.

Miles seemed shocked.

"I wasn't aware the phoenix had a daughter" he says, then opens his book. "What are you asking me to do boys?"

Noah swallows hard.

"We need her connection to Andrew to be gone" he says.

The boys walk in with Miles, earning a smile from Jolly.

"Thank you for coming, Miles. This has been extremely hard on Nick. She's not waking up. I can feel her connection but I'm not sure which one is stronger" Jolly explains.

Miles walks over to the young girl.

"She's extremely powerful. I'm not exactly sure if my magic is going to work on her but I will damn sure try" Miles says.

Nick comes down from his loft upon hearing Miles' voice.

"Nick, I'm going to need both of your blood and I need you to come around and hold both of her hands" Miles says.

Nick walks over to her head and takes both of her hands. Miles pulls out a scalpel and slices into both of their wrists. He pulls out his chalice. Nick surprisingly flinched as his blood slid down his arm and into the cup. Nick almost instantly heals as Miles moves onto her.

"In no circumstances will I be able to reverse the effects of the werewolf bite. I'm almost positive she will wake up with the powers of both werewolves and vampires along with her having her phoenix powers. She will be extremely dangerous. Not to mention, she will need a werewolf, the alpha, to teach her how to control the shift. She will also need to be kept away from you guys when she transforms because a werewolf bite is fatal to a vampire. She could kill all of you if she wanted too."

The boys step away as Miles and Nick begin the spell to wake her. Nick could barely breathe, afraid of what's going to happen when she wakes up.

Miles begins mumbling to himself as Nick squeezes her hands. Her chest begins to glow a faint orange. Nick grasps her hands tightly as he feels her pain. Both of their eyes shoot open as Nick strains in pain. His eyes darken as his veins become exposed under his eyes. Orange lightning bolts take over her face. The bolts travel up her arms and begin to appear on Nick's arms as well.

Inside of her mind was full of pain and fighting. She was fighting off the effects of both poisons. Of both bites. As she fights, she faintly sees Nick in the distance. He looks around, seeing how crowded her mind actually is and finally comes to an understanding.

"STARRRR" he yells, hoping to grab her attention.

She smiles in relief as she begins to run to him. But the distance gets farther and farther away from each other. They both stop and begin to panic.

"Focus on what you want, Star. If he is what you want, then you fight to get him" she hears her fathers voice saying.

She takes in a deep breath as she begins channeling her magic throughout her body. Her fiery wings sprout from her back as she's lifting into the lightning storm around her. She screams in pain as she balls her powers up.

"STAR. I LOVE YOU" Nick yells.

Those three words were enough for her body to release the connection holding onto her and Andrew.

In real time, she shoots up, gasping for air. The guys all smile in relief as she looks around for Nick. Their eyes meet and she hugs him tightly.

"You're awake" Nick whispers in her ear.

She begins to cry softly as the others walk over and pull them both into a group hug.

Noah was able to get her fresh and warm human blood to complete her transformation.

"How are you feeling?" Miles asks her once she had time to understand what was happening around her.

"Like a hundred wrecking ball have slammed into my skull" she expresses.

He chuckles.

"That can happen. I've broken your mate's connection with Andrew but unfortunately, the werewolf bite did still take. You are the only tribrid known to mankind, with Phoenix, Vampire, and Werewolf blood coursing through your veins" Miles explains.

"So I'm dead but I'm not?" she asks.

"In a sense, yes" Miles says.

Nick rubs the back of her hand softly with his thumb. She sighs in relief.

"Does this mean I'm going to have to learn from my alpha how to control the werewolf side of me?" she asks.

Nick tenses up, hearing that, though he knew it was going to have to happen eventually.

"I know a werewolf pack who could teach you to control the shift but I have a strong feeling that your alpha is going to come looking for you and make sure that you become a part of his pack" Miles says.

She looks at Nick as she squeezes his hands tightly.

"I will protect her with my flames and guard her with my soul. Forever and Always" Nick explains.

She smiles.

"Always and forever" she says back.

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