Ch.5 Truth

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When he made it back to the loft with the guys, he couldn't help but feel frustrated. He wanted to kiss her more. He wanted to do more with her. He wanted-

"You good bro?" Nick asks.

He turns to his band mate.

"I think I'm falling in love with her" he tells him.

Nick smiles.

"That's great Folio. But does she know? About us? About what we are?" Nick asks.

He looks down.

"I want to keep her away from our world. Even though I know she's a part of it" he tells Nick.

Nick furrows a brow. Noah then comes over.

"Are you sure she's one of us?" Noah asks.

He nods.

"I think my memory wipe caused her mark to appear. She had an unusually large bandage on her neck as you all saw. I don't know for sure but she wears the phoenix crest. That has to mean something" he tells them.

Noah furrows a brow as well.

"And the other day, I was trying to help her out of something, her chest glowed orange. I don't know and I don't think she does either. She doesn't know what Andrew, her fur ball ex, is. She doesn't know what we are. I truly believe she has no idea she's of phoenix descent" he explains to his band mates.

While she sleeps soundly, he watches her through her window. Not to be creepy but to make sure she's okay. He admired her beauty as his dangerous possession over her began to deepen. He knows he will soon have to be honest with her about what he is and he fears he may lose her.

He carefully steps into the room, closing the window behind him. He walks over to her side of the bed and no longer sees the bandage. He furrows a brow as he carefully moves her hair. He sees a small black feather on her neck and swallows hard.

It begins to glow orange and burn causing her to shoot up in pain. She brings her fingers up to her neck as she looks around her room. She feels a light breeze coming in from her window. She stands up and goes to close it when she sees Nick's car in the parking lot.

She can see him looking up at her and she cocks her head to the side. He looks down as his phone illuminates his face. He looks back up before her phone dings on her nightstand. She reaches over and grabs it and sees a message from Nick.

Nick: Hey. I wanted to make sure you were okay after our kiss. I can't stop thinking about it.

Me: Come up?

He smiles up at her and nods. She smiles and goes back to sit on the bed. She tries to touch her neck again but feels the burning and stops. She can't figure out what's going on or why she has this mark.

She hears a knock at her door and rushes into the main room to open the door for him. She smiles as she's met with his face. He smiles huge for her.

"Come in" she tells him.

He closes the door behind him as he follows her into her bedroom. She goes to sit on her bed when he stands in front of her. She looks up at him, suddenly feeling confident. She takes his hands.

"I wanna try something" she whispers to him.

He smirks and takes a step back, pulling her up to meet him. He grabs her face softly and begins to caress her cheek softly. She leans into his hand, feeling safe in his presence. She wraps her arms around his neck as they both begin to lean in.

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