Ch.4 Feelings

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She was barely able to fall asleep but thankfully she did. But Nick was determined to see her after knowing she heard their conversation earlier in the day. As he snuck in through her window, he watched her nightgown flow in the wind. He couldn't help but admire the girl he'd fallen so hard for.

He carefully climbs into her room and closes the window. Her breaths were almost unnoticed. He walks over to her side of the bed and carefully sits down next to her. He hovers his hand over her head.

"As much as I would love you to know about our world, you aren't ready, my love" he whispers to her though she's blissfully unaware of his presence.

He closes his eyes and focuses his power into his hand for what he's about to do. He begins to reach deep into her mind for the conversation she'd heard only hours earlier. He begins to erase them then sees memories of the first time she ever saw Nick.

It was the beginning of the year when he first walked into intro to music. He was the quiet and moody type. She had held her breath at the beautiful sight of him. She was captivated by him despite not knowing him. Andrew hated how she looked at him but she felt drawn to him.

He opens his eyes and looks at her, still peacefully sleeping, knowing that she's going to wake up with no memory of the last conversation. He had gotten better at erasing certain events or time stamps if you will.

He carefully reached out to caress her face when she groaned and rolled over. She opens her eyes to find her window wide open. She could tell someone had been there, his presence still lingering. She carefully got out of bed to close her window as he watched from his car. He was fast but almost not fast enough since he'd almost been caught.

As the sun beams on her face, she was ready to face the day though the day was the weekend. She reaches for her phone when she's hit with Nick's smell. She furrows a brow, wondering why she was smelling him. She was even more confused about why she couldn't remember leaving school or getting home.

Had she hurt herself to the point where she had memory loss?

She gets out of bed and heads over to her bathroom. As the light comes on, she takes a look in the mirror to notice a small mark on her neck. She furrowed her brows as she got closer to her mirror, trying to figure out what this mark was.

It's a black feather. She reaches for it when it glows bright orange and begins to burn. She pulls her hand away quickly, confused. She looks back in the mirror to see it once again black. She begins to frantically search her cabinets, looking for something to cover this mark up with.

Had she gotten a tattoo she didn't know about? Why did it glow orange? Why did it burn? Why-

Her phone begins ringing, startling her. She turns to her room and sees it, lit up on her night stand. She walks over and sees that it's Nick calling her. She gulps and cautiously answers her phone.

Star- Hello?

Nick- Hey. I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go and do something today.

Star- What do you have in mind?

Nick- Maybe go for some breakfast then take you to our recording studio.

Star- Sure. What time?

Nick- How's 10 sound?

She checked the time on her phone.


Star- Yea. Sounds good.

Nick- See you then.

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