2 ⇝ Drama

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Minho was at a pretty low point in his life.

He was just kicked out of his apartment since the landlord was remodeling the whole building, terminating all of the current tenants' leases. He had been warned a month in advance, but due to his busy schedule he couldn't find time to tour a new apartment, and suddenly his last week in his apartment sprung up on him like a Jack-in-the-box. Luckily, his sister and her wife were kind enough to let him stay in their guest bedroom while he found a new place to live.

At the same time, his full-time job had just laid him off with little-to-no warning because they decided they didn't need as many people in his position as they had. There wasn't anything wrong with Minhoㅡthey had actually pulled names out of a hat to decide to who to layoffㅡthe company he worked for just couldn't afford to keep him.

Now he only had his part-time job at a small cafe down the street from his sister's house, and his two-day work schedule was nowhere near enough to keep him afloat until he could find a new job and an affordable place to live.

Tonight was his sister's 2 year wedding anniversary, and to celebrate, the three of them would be going to a club to get drunk and party.

It was an expensive club that Minho would never even spare a glance at, but he agreed to go with his sister anyway. What's the problem with splurging a little if it was only for one night?

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Minho, his sister, and his sister's wife arrived at the club, showing their IDs as they passed by the scary-looking bouncer and into the brightly colored building.

His sister and her wife immediately headed over to the bar, while Minho headed onto the dance floor, throwing himself into the mass of moving bodies as he danced smoothly to the music.

Minho let himself get immersed into the music, feeling the heat from the people around him on his skin and the pounding of the bass in his lungs.

Time seemed to speed up as he let himself lose, dancing with random people and having a really fun night.

Suddenly, the sound of his sister yelling broke through his trance, making him stop moving abruptly.

"Hey! What are you doing with my wife?!"

Minho looked at her in surprise, quickly walking over to her to see what was going on.

He found his sister-in-law standing next to a guy that looked oddly familiar. Minho's sister grabbed the guy's collar, pulling him close as she glared at him angrily.

"Shit, I didn't know she was married!" the guy defended, holding up his hands to show he meant no harm.

"So you were just blind to the ring on her finger?" Minho's sister said, holding onto the guy's shirt tighter.

"I swear I didn't know, I'm sorry!" he apologized, flinching as she held up her fist.

Minho immediately ran up to his sister, grabbing her arm and pulling her off the guy.

"Chae, let's not start any fights tonight," Minho said, trying to calm her down. "He said he was sorry, so let's just leave it at that."

Chaeyoung just rolled her eyes, grabbing Sana's wrist and walking off somewhere, leaving Minho with the guy.

"Sorry about her," Minho apologized for Chaeyoung. "She can get a little overprotective."

The guy shrugged. "It's okay, I would do the same." He held out his hand to Minho. "Thanks for saving my ass, though."

"No problem," Minho said, shaking the guy's hand. "I'm Lee Minho, by the way."

"Han Jisung."

"That's where I know you!" Minho said randomly, making Jisung look at him confused. "We used to go to the same school, but I was two years ahead of you. Your dad was the principal, right?"

"Yeah..." Jisung sighed. They walked off the dance floor over to one of the tables off to the side so they could talk more comfortably.

"I feel so bad for saying this, but I don't remember you at all," Jisung continued.

Minho grimaced slightly, before shrugging. "Makes sense. I don't think we ever talked."

"Then how did you know me?"

"You were really popular, and I maybe, sorta, had a crush on you," Minho admitted.

"Damn, if I was gay I would've totally said yes if you asked me out."

"Oh?" Minho said, a little sad but totally expecting that the younger was straight.

"Yeah, I mean you're hot, and I was really lonely back then," Jisung replied. "I still am, I was kinda hoping that Sana would be available, but that didn't work out."

"You know... I'm single and available."

"I already told you I'm straight," Jisung said, laughing.

"Just pretend I'm a girl or something," Minho suggested with a shrug.

"I don't think it works that way..." Jisung giggled slightly, making Minho's heart skip a beat at the sound. "Besides, I don't want to be fucked, that's not my vibe."

"Yeah, I'd rather you fucked me," Minho muttered, Jisung looking at him with wide eyes.


"You look very daddy material," Minho said shamelessly, gesturing at Jisung's designer outfit. "I'd let you rail me any day of the week."

Jisung's face flushed at how forward the other was being, trying to avoid how a part of himself really wanted to take Minho up on his offer.

"Are you like rich now or something?" Minho asked, changing the subject.

"What makes you say that?"

"You're wearing fancy clothes and you just have that rich vibe."

"Oh." Jisung shrugged. "I guess I am pretty rich."

Minho looked Jisung in the eyes, making the younger slightly flustered at the eye contact.

"Can you be my sugar daddy?"

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