10 ⇝ Hangout

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You guys chose option b (Lino+Hyunjin) on my message board, so here's that chapter! I might post option a laterㅡsince both of them are writtenㅡbut it will be after this book is finished. Enjoy reading!

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Minho leaned against the wood of the door, exhaling softly as he tried to calm his racing heart. Jisung barely even did anything to make him feel this way. He kissed Minho goodbye and called him babyㅡthe bare fucking minimumㅡbut it somehow made the older's heart go berserk and face flush bright red.

"What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck..." he muttered, not used to feeling so flustered and amative. Then again, Jisung wasn't doing much to make Minho react this way, just being touchy and kind. The older wasn't used to that.

He pushed off the door, heading back to his room to get dressed. He pulled out an outfit from his bag without much thought, checking himself in the mirror to make sure his clothing choice at least looked a little cute.

Finding his clothes satisfactory, Minho skipped out of his room to the living room, collapsing on the couch and taking out his phone.

The pressed call on one of his pinned contacts, putting the device on speakerphone.

"Hyunjinnie!!" Minho yelled into the phone as soon as the person picked up.

"Hey Minho-hyung!"

"Do you wanna come over and hangout?" Minho asked, leaning back against the couch and staring at the ceiling.

"Will your sisters mind?"

"Nah, I'm not at their house right now."

"So you finally found a place to live?" Hyunjin asked, surprised.

"Sort of, I'll explain when you come over."

"Okay... send me the address and I'll be over there asap!"

"See you soon Hyunjinnie!"

He hung up, placing the phone on his chest and letting his thoughts run wild while he waited for Hyunjin to come over.

Although his musings were scattered and random, thrown throughout his head like a baseball is thrown across the diamond, they were all centered around one thingㅡmore specifically, one person.

He followed the trails of thought, wondering many things about himself as well as his relationship with Jisung.

Why did Jisung make him feel this way? Was it because he had never been in a 'solid' relationship and wasn't used to being treated a certain way? Or was it more towards the fact that Jisung had been Minho's first and only true crush, and being flustered was just signs of his previous amorous thoughts about the younger?

He wondered if he could continue being close to Jisung knowing full-well that he still had an emotional connection to Jisung that had just laid dormant in his heart since he had graduated high school.

Minho hugged his arms to his chest. Did he really like Jisung in a romantic way? Or was it just sexual? In high school, he knew that he mostly liked Jisung because of his body. He looked cute and strong, and honestly, fuckable. Over the course of the two years he was in school with Jisung, he practically fell in love, despite only observing the younger from afar.

Now that he had Jisung within reach, he would do anything possible to keep him close and make him his.

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After sitting and simmering in his stew of thoughts for a while, the doorbell rang, scaring Minho. He quickly sat up and looked around, running his hands through his slightly messy hair to make himself look presentable.

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