· • -- Warnings -- • ·

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This book will contain:
- Smut (Most of it is pretty intense, so prepare yourself)
- Homophobia
- Some violence

The relationship displayed in this book will also be pretty toxic, and is meant in no way to represent how relationships should be irl.

If any of these topic could harm you, please feel free to stop reading. Since there is not a lot of triggers, I will be putting warning before each one that will specify what they are.


✎ This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or, if real, are used fictitiously.

✎ The plot and storyline are parts of the author's imagination, and any resemblance to any other books is purely coincidental.

✎ No parts of this story reflect any parts of the real persons' identities, nor sexualities.

✎ The author does not own Stray Kids nor any of the members.


Copyright © 2023 by the-lost-bluebird, All Rights Reserved

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