14 ⇝ Water

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Extra long (a little over 2k words) chapter requested by skz_bbg 🤭

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Minho woke up randomly, looking over at Jisung to make sure that he didn't startle him awake when he sat up. Finding the younger asleep, he felt comfortable enough to crawl out of bed and head out of the room, finding his phone downstairs in the kitchen where he had left it the previous night.

The time was only 12:05am, and Minho groaned because he thought that it was at least three in the morning, maybe even two. He grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and took a large drink before setting it down on the counter and walking into the living room. He gazed out the large floor-to-ceiling window at the now dark apartment building across the almost empty street down far, far below.

The apartment directly across from Jisung's had its light on, letting Minho easily look into what looked like the living room. The layout was sparse and simple, just like Jisung's, and Minho wondered if the apartment complex gave you furniture so that you didn't have to buy your own, or if rich people that lived in penthouses in downtown Seoul just had no taste in interior design.

It was easy to conclude that the two buildings were part of the same complex, at least, since the exterior was similar, and the side street dividing them was practically nonexistent, almost an alleyway with how narrow it was. With that thought, Minho realised that he had zoned out while looking into the apartment, and the woman from this morning had returned, looking out her respective window towards the one Minho was standing in.

This time, instead of disappearing, she waved at Minho. He hesitantly put a hand up and waved back to her.

Suddenly, his phone buzzed, so he glanced over at it, finding a text from Jisung.

Sugar Daddy 😍🤑

- babyyy
- where did you go?

downstairs -

- whyy
- come back please

fine 🙄 -

Minho glanced outside to find the apartment across the way was now dark, the woman had seemingly disappeared in the time he was texting Jisung. He shrugged and walked back into the kitchen to grab his water bottle, taking a long drink.

The older giggled when he thought back on Jisung's texts. He sounded so needy, and Minho wondered what it would be like to have the younger a whining mess beneath him. He gripped onto the counter to steady himself as his thoughts went rogue, his tired brain supplying him with a plethora of scenarios in less than a second that had him half hard with their clarity and detail.

He took another long sip of his water, trying to clear his head before he headed back up the stairs and into Jisung's room, opening the door as quietly as possible. The older set his water bottle and phone on the night stand, and slipped under the sheets.

Immediately, two arms wrapped tightly around his waist and pulled Minho's body so that it was flush against his own.

"Baby~ you left me all alone!" Jisung whined, squeezing Minho tightly.

Minho laughed as best as he could while being held tightly, trying to tilt his head back to see Jisung. "You're so dramatic, I wasn't even gone for that long."

"Yes, you were! I woke up and you had vanished! At least wake me up next time." The younger tightened his hold on Minho again, practically squeezing the air out of his lungs.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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