9 ⇝ Bathroom

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Minho watched Jisung head up the stairs into his room, closing the door softly behind him.

He looked down and sighed. "Fuck..." he muttered, leaning his head against the couch. He really should've taken Jisung up on his offer to help him, but it was too late now.

He shakily got up, slowly heading down the hall to his room. He searched through his bag of bathroom stuff for his soap and hair products, hoping to take a shower and clear his mind. He then went to his backpack, digging out another thing he wanted to use in the showerㅡone of his 'plans' for today that he'd initiate while Jisung was at work.

He headed into the bathroom adjacent to his room, amazed at how nice and spacious it was. Minho set his stuff on the counter, quickly realizing that he didn't have a towel, and there was only a small hand towel hanging up in the bathroom.

He left the bathroom, heading up the stairs into Jisung's room, completely forgetting to knock before entering.

"Ah! Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Minho exclaimed, covering his eyes with his hands, but not bothering to leave the room and let Jisung have his privacy back.

He had accidentally walked in on Jisung changing. It wasn't a super big deal, except for the fact that Minho had chosen to walk in right when Jisung was completely naked.

"What's wrong? You've seen all this before," Jisung said with a laugh, pulling on a pair of boxers and walking up to Minho, pulling the older's hands away from his face.

"N-not all at once!" Minho squeaked out, his face turning red as he tried very hard to prevent his eyes from wandering all over Jisung's body.

Jisung pecked his lips softly, humming happily. "Why'd you come in here baby?"

"I was wondering if there was a towel I could use..."

"Oh!" Jisung grabbed Minho's hand, leading him down the stairs and into the hallway that led to the bathroom and the older's room, stopping in front of a closet in the hall.

He opened one of the bifold doors, showing Minho all of the towels. Jisung grabbed one for Minho, heading into the bathroom.

Minho ran in front of him, trying to take the towel.

"I-I got it from here!" he said nervously. "T-thank you..."

"Why aren't you letting me into the bathroom?" Jisung asked, looking at Minho suspiciously. "What's wrong?"

"N-nothing!" Minho denied, trying to prevent Jisung from opening the door, but ultimately failing.

Jisung just nodded, walking into the bathroom and hanging Minho's towel up for him on the rack. He spun around to face the older, smiling softly.

"Have a nice- oh." Both of their faces turned red as Minho tried to block Jisung from seeing his stuff, but it was too late.

"Is that why you didn't want me in here?" he asked quietly, moving the older to the side as he looked at Minho's toy. Jisung slowly reached out to touch it, but Minho started to shake his head.

"P-please don't touch it," he said quietly, feeling more vulnerable than ever now that Jisung had found one of his sex toys.

Jisung quickly retracted his hand. "Sorry baby. W-why do you have it...?" the younger asked, somehow more flustered than Minho at the sight of the toy.

"I was gonna use it," Minho whispered, internally cringing from the awkwardness, but on the outside he was dying from embarrassment. "S-so that it would be easier for use to... Y-you know... Do stuff..."

"O-oh, have fun then." Jisung rushed out of the bathroom, making sure to securely close the door behind him.

Minho sighed, feeling so embarrassed even though he knew he shouldn't be. He groaned loudly in frustration before grabbing all of his stuff and placing it in the shower, turning on the water and heating the satisfying hiss of the warm liquid spraying out of the showerhead.

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