12 ⇝ Apologies

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He threw himself on his bed, pulling the heavy comforter over his body and curling up in a ball between the sheets.

"Fuck! I'm so fucking stupid. Oh my god," Minho cried out quietly, burying his face in his hands as tears poured out of his eyes from frustration.

Why did I do that?

He brought his knees up to his chest, continuing to cry quietly. Jisung was gonna hate him from now on, he just knew it.

Jisung was being the tiniest bit affectionate and Minho just had to fuck it up by telling him he couldn't be cuddly and nice. The younger would probably kick him out of his house, because what's the point of letting Minho live with him if it was just for sex? He could just call the older if he wanted to hookup instead of having to keep him in his house.

He started to cry even harder, sitting up and grabbing a sweater to feel more comfortable. With tears still pouring down his face, Minho walked over to his bag, pulling out a fluffy sweater that was about three-times too big. He pulled it over his head before falling back onto his bed, crying into his hands that we're covered by the sleeves of the sweater.

He was just so frustrated. He was frustrated with the fact he couldn't just accept Jisung's affection. So frustrated that his stupid brain made him force people away. And he was frustrated with the fact that throughout this whole experience he had cried twice, hadn't been spoiled one bit, and had no sexual relief despite the whole deal being based off of them having sex.

"I'm so fucking stupid!" he yelled into his hands, hoping Jisung wouldn't hear him.

He kicked his legs against the edge of the bed at he continued to sob, starting to shake from the amount of tears and lack of air.

Minho immediately looked at the door when he heard four quiet knocks on the wood.

"Y-yeah?" he choked out, looking down once Jisung opened the door.

"Uhm... d-do you want to join me f-for dinner?" Jisung stuttered out, looking at the door, his eyes completely avoiding Minho sitting on his bed.

"S-sure, in a minute..."

Jisung nodded and walked out of the room, softly shutting the door behind him.

Minho wiped the tears off of his face with his sweater before slowly standing up and waddling out of his room into the kitchen. He looked around, not seeing Jisung anywhere.

"I'm in the living room, honey!" he heard Jisung yell, and he quickly hurried into the said room, collapsing on the opposite end of the couch from where Jisung was sitting.

Jisung looked up and gave Minho a small smile. "It's okay that we're eating out here, right...?"

"It's fine," Minho responded quietly, looking down at the two matching bowls set on the table, both filled with a nice heaping of tteokbokki.

"I-I made tteokbokki, I hope you like it," Jisung said, trying to break the awkward silence, but ended up making it slightly worse. He grabbed a bowl, handing it to Minho before grabbing his own.

"Thank you," Minho whispered, a bright smile on his face. Tteokbokki was one of his favorite things to eat, besides pudding, of course. He grabbed the chopsticks and took a bite of the squishy food, humming happily at the flavor and slight spice.

They ate their meal in silence, the only noise in the room being the quiet k-drama playing on the TV in front of them.

Once they were both done with their food, Jisung took the empty bowls and brought them into the kitchen. Minho quickly got up and followed the younger, feeling like he had to apologize.

Jisung turned around to face him, and they both spoke at the same time, "I'm sorry."

Jisung immediately shook his head. "No, why are you sorry? You didn't do anything wrong."

"I pushed you away when you were just being nice. W-why aren't you mad at me or kicking me out or something?" he asked, his voice sounding choked as he held back tears.

"Why would I do that?" Jisung asked, looking at Minho, slightly worried. "Once again, you didn't do anything wrong... you were setting boundaries, and that's okay."


"Do you want me to be mad and kick you out?" Jisung interrupted, crossing his arms in front of his chest and staring at Minho.


"Then let me apologize to you," Jisung said, stepping closer to Minho. "Can I hug you?"

"Sure," Minho whispered, holding out his arms as the younger wrapped his own around Minho's waist, holding him tightly.

"Do you forgive me for crossing your boundaries?" the younger asked quietly, playing with the hem of Minho's sweater.

The older nodded, smiling softly. "Yeah, I forgive you..."

"Thank you," Jisung said, squeezing Minho even tighter before pulling back slightly to look at the older. "You look super cute, by the way."

"Thank you," Minho squeaked out, starting to blush and burying his face in his hands to try and hide his flusteredness.

Jisung cupped the olders face with his hands, squishing his cheeks slightly before he started to frown. "Were you crying?"

"N-no..." He tried to pull away, avoiding making eye contact with the younger.

"D-did I make you cry?" Jisung asked, slowly tracing the dried tears on Minho's face with his thumbs.

"I was just being too dramatic, please don't ask," Minho explained, shaking his head slightly.

"Okay, sorry hyung," Jisung apologized, kissing Minho's lips softly before pulling away. "Do you wanna watch a movie?"

Minho nodded. "Sure!" he said, skipping over to the couch and sitting down, looking at Jisung as he followed and sat down next to him.

They turned to face each other. "Horror?" the two asked at the same time, causing Minho to giggle quietly and Jisung to burst out in a loud laugh.

"Horror it is," Jisung said with a smile, grabbing the remote and selecting the 'horror' category on Netflix.

After a few minutes of playful bickering to decide what movie they would watch, they finally settled on a movie called 'The Black Phone', since neither of them had seen it before.

Right before Jisung hit play, Minho called out a quiet "Wait!" before standing up and running down the hall to his room, returning quickly with his fluffy comforter wrapped around his body. He plopped back down on the couch, crushing Jisung slightly.

"You can hit play now," he said sweetly, smiling at Jisung who looked like he was in pain.

"Yes your highness," Jisung teased, pushing himself out from under Minho before hitting play on the movie.

Minho cuddled up against Jisung's side, wrapping the blanket tighter around him as he watched the start of the movie excitedly.

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eyyyy look who updated again!!

I also have so many things to say about Stray Kids at KCON omg. IT WAS SO FREAKING GOOD!!! and i will be posting what i recorded on my insta and youtube! (i only watched it through the live btw)

the only thing that i will say though is that they didn't film Han during Topline 😭😭😭. dude that made me so annoyed

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