Ch 2 - "A what now?"

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It's gone..?!
Crap! Okey I get it, I shouldn't have been obsessed with isekai! You can free me Mr. Discord! And there it was, the humanoid monster was right behind me, crap!
"Yo yo yo yo, chill down bro!" I said hoping to calm it down. Nope, I should've learned. It simply won't listen to me. So it's time to actually try to call my "last" resort...
"Ayo, Jason Citron, I need help!" Heh, I actually used his real name for once. And here he... comes? "You're literally using Admin powers!"
He answers with a: "I don't wanna get hit!"
"A yes the very own creator, of this game may I remind you, is scared of an in game mob." I said only to annoy him.
"Okey I don't think you get i—" he said while I cut him off.
"Nah, you don't get it, admins are supposed to be the most powerful entity in the game!"
Jason sighs, and points to the monster, who by the way is still chasing me. Slowly the "gun" in his hand starts to get visible in his hands. And he shots it. It dodged the bullet. "Great! Now we're dealing with a Gojo type!" I said.
"A what now?" Jason said clearly confused. I quickly looked behind me to see that the monster was an arms length away from me. I punch it and and took a fighting stance.
Here goes nothing!
I aim for the head,  but it dodged and its mask sliced into pieces. Somehow I could sense that the monster was annoyed.
It tried to make the mask stay on the "face". After a few attempts, it gives up. As the parts fell onto the ground, it smiles.
"Game On"
(A/n) And that's chapter two! Sorry for this ginormous break (that I spent watching anime) I just needed inspiration! So, thank you Akutami sensei for creating Jujutsu Kaisen. (So I could make the Gojo reference.)
Thanks for reading!

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