Chapter 7: Amusement Park

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I woke up early and glanced out my window to see if Becky was already up, but she wasn't there. It had been three days since I last saw her. I even asked my mom if she had seen Becky, but she said she hadn't.

According to my mom, Becky is a freelance model. She works and studies at the same time, even though her family can afford to pay for her school fees. She just doesn't like to ask them for money.

I don't really know much about her family. She told me they were happy, but her expression didn't match her words. It was as if she was carrying something she couldn't share with anyone.

I know it might seem like I'm stalking her, but during my stay here, it became a hobby to watch her from afar. Becky's schedule was different every day. Sometimes, I thought she was going somewhere every Sunday, but last Sunday she stayed in her backyard reading books. She didn't have a consistent schedule, making it hard to catch a glimpse of her even from my window.

I wish I could visit her house and ask her out for a coffee date, but that would be too awkward. She barely knows me, and I'm sure she wouldn't ask me for something like that. A date? Over coffee? That's just absurd!

"Freen! You have a visitor!" my mom's voice called from outside, pulling me out of my thoughts.

Who could it be? My friends from five years ago are no longer here, and I haven't made any friends since I arrived because I've been too busy stealing glances at someone.

"Who is it?" I asked as I opened the door and walked downstairs.

My jaw dropped when I saw Becky sitting on the couch. She smiled at me and waved, but I told her to wait for another minute because, for Pete's sake, I was only wearing my pajamas!

It was so embarrassing!

After quickly taking a shower, I changed into a plain white shirt tucked into skinny denim pants. I combed my long black hair and put on a cap, then tied my white low-cut shoes.

Wait, why did I dress like this? Becky might wonder why I'm dressed this way. No, I should change.

"Freen! Don't keep Becky waiting!" my mom shouted again, causing me to panic.

No, I should stick with this outfit. If she asks, I'll just tell her I'm going somewhere later.

Becky stood up when she saw me walking towards her. She smiled genuinely and looked at my outfit, giving me a thumbs-up to indicate that I dressed well.

"Did Billy tell you yesterday that we're going to the amusement park today?" she asked.

My eyebrows furrowed. Amusement park? I don't like rides. What the hell.

"No, maybe he forgot," I smiled awkwardly and rubbed the back of my neck.

Becky chuckled and called Billy on the phone. After three rings, Billy picked up and told her he couldn't make it today because he was going to the hospital with his mother. Becky nodded, even though he couldn't see it.

"It's fine. I'll just take Freen there," Becky said, turning off the phone and looking for my mom to say goodbye.

As we walked through the lively entrance of the amusement park, my heart fluttered with excitement. Becky's hand intertwined with mine, and our fingers interlocked in a gentle, comforting grip. The vibrant atmosphere enveloped us, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness as we immersed ourselves in the thrill of the park.

Becky suggested we ride the pirate ship. I immediately shook my head, but Becky grinned and pulled me into the line.

Throughout the ride, I couldn't help but scream and tremble, but Becky held my hand and screamed with me. I didn't know whether to be happy about what she did or mad because she forced me to come here.

Next, we headed to the Ferris wheel, standing tall against the bright blue sky. We joined the queue, and I stole glances at Becky, who looked as radiant as ever. Our laughter filled the air as we shared inside jokes and playfully nudged each other. Time seemed to slow down as we reached the front of the line and stepped into the intricately decorated carriage together.

As the Ferris wheel began its ascent, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. My heart raced, not just from the height, but also from the butterflies fluttering in my stomach. The view from the top was breathtaking—lush greenery, sparkling fountains, and the sprawling park below. But my gaze kept returning to Becky, her eyes sparkling with joy.

After the Ferris wheel, we made our way to the thrilling roller coasters. The anticipation built with each step, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration mixed with a touch of fear. Becky's hand tightened in mine, silently offering reassurance. We boarded the coaster, and as the ride launched into motion, our screams blended with the wind rushing through our hair. The adrenaline rush was electrifying, and in those moments, I felt a profound connection with Becky, as if nothing else in the world mattered.

As the day unfolded, we explored the amusement park hand in hand, sharing cotton candy, taking silly pictures, and daring each other to try different attractions. Laughter filled the air, and the bond between us grew stronger with every shared moment.

"Mom, look. They're dating. It's cute!" my cheeks blushed when I heard a boy say to his mother.

"It's a wonderful love, isn't it?" his mom replied, and he nodded.

Becky smiled and nudged me gently. "I wish my mother was like her," she whispered in my ear.

"Why?" I asked.

"She hates same-sex love, even if it's genuine. She says it's inappropriate."

I smiled bitterly and chuckled.

Why did it feel like someone had stabbed me in the chest?

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