Chapter 13: Star Gazing

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That day was so embarrassing. I couldn't believe I kissed her forehead like that, especially in front of her brother. Seriously, what was I thinking?

I buried my face in my pillow, overwhelmed by shame, even though it had been three days since the incident. I lacked the courage to face the world and stayed hidden under the comfort of a tree. I spent my days reading books in my room and only ventured outside when my mom called for me.

"Hey, Freen, dinner's ready!" Mom shouted, knocking on my door.

I reluctantly got up and stepped outside. My heart skipped a beat when I saw her waiting by my door. I touched my chest, taking a deep breath to calm myself. Mom approached me and gently touched my forehead, checking for any signs of illness, but furrowed her eyebrows when she realized I was fine.

"What's wrong? You haven't been going out these past few days," she said. "Is there something you want to talk about?"

I hung my head low, ready to speak, but then I remembered Becky's mother. What if she reacted the same way? What if instead of supporting me, she forced me to date Billy? What if she never allowed me to see Becky again?

"Nothing," I replied, mustering a smile. "Let's just eat."

Mom reached for my hand, offering her support as we descended the stairs together. We sat down at the dining table in silence. None of us had much to say.

"I told your father that you've been engrossed in your painting," Mom mentioned.

"You're still in contact with him?" I asked, surprised. "I thought you two weren't talking anymore."

"We may have our differences, but when it comes to you, we'll always find a way to communicate," Mom explained. "Besides, I don't want to keep you away from your father. He's still your dad."

"Why don't you two get back together then? It seems like you both still love each other," I suggested, taking a sip of milk and eagerly awaiting her response.

Mom smiled warmly but shook her head. "As much as I may still have feelings for him, getting back together would only make things worse. Some things are better left unsaid."

Mom's words hit home. There are times when we're afraid to express ourselves because we fear the consequences. Some things are indeed better left unspoken, like my own feelings, I suppose.

"Mom, how did you find out that Becky might be going to England?" I asked, changing the subject.

Mom tilted her head, trying to recall where she had heard the news. "I think Billy's mom mentioned it. Someone offered Becky a modeling opportunity there, so if she accepts, she might be going soon."

"Does she need the money?" I innocently inquired.

Mom chuckled at my question. "It's not about the money, Freen. It's her passion. Even if Becky didn't need the money, if it's something she loves to do, she would pursue it. Just like you with painting. If your father asked you to go to Italy and exhibit your art, I know you would go."

"It depends," I pouted playfully.

"Why?" Mom asked, resting her chin on her hand. "Isn't that what you've always dreamed of, besides owning a bookstore?"

I chuckled and shook my head at my mom's adorable curiosity.

After dinner, I returned to my room to prepare my bed when something suddenly hit my window. Who would do such a thing in the middle of the night?

I opened the window and was greeted by Becky. She waved excitedly, a big smile on her face, motioning for me to come down. I glanced outside to see if my mom was still around, but her bedroom door was closed. She must be asleep.

"Just a minute," I whispered, closing the window.

Quietly, I made my way outside, careful not to wake my mother. Once I was finally out, Becky greeted me with a cup of coffee in her hand, motioning for us to sit beneath the oak tree. The moonlight cast a gentle glow, illuminating our surroundings.

"What are we doing here?" I asked, a curious smile forming on my face.

Under the sprawling branches of the ancient oak tree, we settled down on a cozy blanket spread beneath us. The night air was cool and crisp, the moon casting a soft radiance upon us. In my hands, I held a steaming cup of coffee lovingly prepared by Becky.

As we gazed up at the shimmering tapestry above, the stars seemed to twinkle with an otherworldly allure. The vast night sky stretched out before us, inviting us into its celestial mysteries and enveloping us in a serene tranquility.

Breaking the silence, Becky sighed contentedly, her voice blending with the gentle rustling of leaves overhead.

"Isn't it amazing how the night brings such peace?" she remarked, her eyes fixed on the heavens. "It's as if the whole world slows down, and here we are, just you and me, surrounded by this enchanting symphony of stars."

Taking a sip of the warm coffee, its rich aroma mingling with the scent of nature, I replied, "You're absolutely right. There's something magical about this moment, sharing it with you. The worries of the day fade away, leaving only the tranquility of this quiet night."

We continued to observe the constellations dancing above, their patterns weaving tales of ancient mythology and igniting our imaginations. The silence between us felt comfortable, as if our souls were conversing through the shared experience of this mesmerizing scene.

Becky leaned her head on my shoulder, and a whirlwind of emotions swirled within me. I longed to confess my true feelings, to let her know the depth of my affection. But fear gripped me, whispering doubts and uncertainties in my ear. What if she didn't feel the same way? What if it ruined our friendship?

Glancing at her, her face illuminated by the moonlight, I couldn't deny the strong connection we shared. The simplest touch or kind word from her made my heart skip a beat.

Instead of speaking my truth, I found solace in the beauty of the present, in the joy and comfort we found in each other's company. The night sky became a metaphor for the vast expanse of my unspoken feelings, a secret shared only between the stars and me.

A gentle breeze rustled through the leaves, as if nature itself encouraged me to take a leap of faith. But for now, I chose to cherish the moments we had, to savor the friendship we had nurtured. Perhaps one day, when the timing was right and my courage was stronger, I would find the words to reveal the depth of my emotions. Until then, I would continue to stargaze with Becky, basking in the warmth of her presence, and treasuring the unspoken connection that bound us beneath the midnight oak tree.

"Look, there's a shooting star!" Becky exclaimed, closing her eyes to make a wish. "What did you wish for?"

"Tell me yours first," I encouraged.

"I wished for someone who would appreciate me more than Billy and my brother did. Someone who would treat me the way I deserve," she revealed, her gaze fixed on the stars. "What about you?"

"To make your wish come true," I replied, a smile spreading across my face.

Becky smiled back, her eyes still captivated by the starry sky. "The moon is lovely, isn't it?" she whispered.

I looked at her and nodded. "Yes, so beautiful," I said, unable to tear my eyes away from her.

Captivated by Her Glimpse || FreenBecky [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now