Chapter 15: Small Accident

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It had been weeks since I last saw Becky. I had shut myself in, avoiding going outside and refraining from asking my mom about her. It wasn't that I was deliberately avoiding her, but it seemed like she was avoiding me too. Ever since that fateful day under the tree, Becky had not set foot in our house. She had stopped visiting me like she used to. I sensed that there was something she didn't want to tell me, and whatever it was, I understood.

There was still a distance between us. Despite spending weeks or even months together, we hadn't earned the right to intrude on each other's lives. I wasn't sure if she was still at home or if she had moved to England.

A single tear escaped my eye, but I swiftly wiped it away. The thought of Becky leaving me pierced my heart repeatedly. I didn't know how to react or what to do. I felt trapped in my room, paralyzed by fear.

Should I tell her now? Should I confess before it's too late? But how? What if she was still in love with someone else? What if she valued her mother's opinion? What if...? Countless "what ifs" flooded my mind, clouding my thoughts.

"Freen!" my mom's voice echoed from outside, jolting me out of my reverie. I opened the door to find her holding her phone, dressed as if she were about to leave. "I have to go to the hospital. Billy's mother called and said they were in an accident with Becky. I need to go," she explained urgently.

Becky? Accident?

"Mom, can I come with you?" I asked, hastily grabbing my jacket from the rack and rushing downstairs alongside her.

Upon our arrival, I cautiously entered the hospital room, my heart weighed down by worry. Becky lay motionless on the bed, her face serene in slumber. The bandages on her hands served as a painful reminder of the car accident that had brought her here. Approaching her bedside, a mix of relief and sadness washed over me as I gazed at her.

"Becky," I whispered softly, my voice filled with emotion. "Get well soon. I'm here for you, to take care of you." Leaning over, I planted a gentle kiss on her forehead, hoping that my presence would bring her solace and comfort.

To my surprise, as my lips brushed against her skin, Becky stirred from her sleep. Her eyelids fluttered open, revealing warm, familiar eyes. A smile formed on her lips, relieving the heaviness in my heart.

"Hey there," she greeted, her voice still tinged with sleep. "You're here."

I settled on the edge of the bed, delicately taking her hand in mine. "Of course, I'm here. I've been so worried about you, Becky. How are you feeling?"

Becky's smile widened, and she gently squeezed my hand with her free one. "I'm fine, really. Just a little sore. The doctors say I'll recover soon."

Relief flooded through me, though a frown lingered on my face. "But what if things had been worse? What if you hadn't woken up?"

Understanding softened Becky's eyes. "I know it was a close call, and I'm grateful to be alive. But dwelling on 'what ifs' won't change anything. What matters now is that I'm here, and you're here with me."

Her words struck a chord within me, reminding me to cherish the present moment. I nodded, a small smile forming. "You're right, Becky. I'll try not to worry so much. But promise me you'll take it easy and let me take care of you."

Becky chuckled softly, her laughter a comforting melody in the sterile hospital room. "Deal. I'll let you spoil me a little. Thank you for being here and caring so much."

The weight on my shoulders lightened as I returned her smile. "It's the least I can do, Becky. You mean the world to me. Let's focus on your recovery now, one day at a time."

A sudden knock on the door startled both of us. We turned to see Richie entering, his face filled with concern as he rushed to Becky's side.

"What happened?" he asked, worry etched on his face. "I rushed here from work after the hospital nurse called. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Richie. Freen's here to take care of me, so don't worry. You can go back now," Becky reassured her older brother.

"I told you to go back to England. Then you wouldn't have to go through all this," Richie exclaimed, his frustration evident. "What if things had been worse?"

Becky glanced at me, a chuckle escaping her lips. "You two are overreacting. Go ahead, Richie. Leave. I'll call you soon," she assured him.

With a sigh, Richie nodded at me, silently urging me to take good care of his sister. As he departed, Becky laughed and shook her head.

"That guy is so dramatic," she remarked.

"He's telling the truth, though. If you were in England, you wouldn't have been in a car accident," I remarked.

"How can I go if you're not there?" Becky turned to me, her eyes filled with a sadness and disappointment that I couldn't comprehend.

The words hung in the air, leaving me speechless. It was a profound realization that our connection ran deeper than I had ever imagined.

Captivated by Her Glimpse || FreenBecky [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now