Chapter 17: Rainy Night Revelation

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I took Becky to the art museum, hoping to create a special memory with her. It was a place Billy had taken me before, and I wanted to replace old memories with new, better ones.

As we strolled through the gallery, admiring the brushstrokes and vibrant colors of the artwork, something unexpected happened. A young man approached a girl standing near a painting and confessed his feelings to her. Surprisingly, she accepted his heartfelt words with a smile, her eyes brimming with affection.

I turned to Becky, and her face twisted into a bitter smile. It was clear that witnessing this confession had stirred something within her. I wondered what was going through her mind. Was she reminded of Saint's past declarations of love? Did she secretly long for a similar experience herself?

In that moment, I realized that perhaps Becky had been yearning for a boyfriend who could offer her something more, something better than what I had to offer. It hit me like a painful truth, and a pang of sadness settled in my chest.

I discreetly observed Becky, her eyes still fixed on the newly formed couple. Her smile, tinged with bitterness, held a hint of longing. It seemed as if she was dreaming of a love that surpassed our friendship, a love that would sweep her off her feet and make her heart soar.

Emotions churned inside me as I grappled with this realization. Part of me wished I could be the person who could fulfill Becky's dreams, who could be more than just a friend. But deep down, I knew I couldn't force those feelings upon her or expect her to feel the same way.

As we left the art museum, heavy rain poured down, casting a melancholic atmosphere over our journey home. Seeking shelter from the downpour, we stumbled upon a closed restaurant. Thankfully, the door was unlocked, providing us solace from the relentless rain outside.

Becky trembled from the cold, shivering in the chilly downpour. Without hesitation, I offered her my jacket, hoping to warm her up. However, she refused, her eyes reflecting a hint of sadness. "That's not what I need," she said softly.

Her words puzzled me, and I looked at her curiously. What did she mean? Before I could ask, Becky surprised me by suddenly undressing herself. I watched in astonishment as she removed her outer clothes, leaving only her undergarments on.

"What are you doing?" I blurted out, my eyes widening with surprise.

Becky smiled gently, determination shining in her eyes. Then, she took a step forward, closing the gap between us, and embraced me. Her warm body enveloped me, dispelling the chill that had settled in my bones. We stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, seeking solace from the storm raging outside.

Throughout the night, we found comfort in each other's presence. Becky and I cuddled, finding solace in the simple act of holding one another. The rain continued to fall relentlessly, its steady patter against the windows creating a soothing backdrop to our silent conversation.

Although Becky appeared to be asleep, I couldn't hold back the words I had kept inside for so long.

"I know you're looking for someone who can truly appreciate you. Someone who can be by your side and walk you down the aisle. Someone your mom would accept. Sadly, that person can't be me," I whispered. "But I love you, Becky."

To my surprise, she mumbled a response, barely audible over the sound of raindrops. "I love you too," she murmured, her words soaked in sleep.

A mixture of joy and confusion coursed through me as I pondered her words. Did she truly mean what she said, or was it merely an expression of friendship? In that tender moment, I realized that perhaps the love I felt for her was different from what she felt for me.

The rain continued its relentless downpour, echoing the turmoil in my heart. I held onto Becky tighter, cherishing the warmth she provided, and silently accepting that this night had revealed more than I had anticipated. Our friendship, though deep and meaningful, was not the romantic love I had hoped for.

As the night drifted on, I watched over Becky, a bittersweet smile on my face.

"Finally, I said it."

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