Ch. 5

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*Colby pov*

I felt the need to text Sam every thing I was doing. Every break i had i picked up my phone to see if he's messaged me. I tried not to text him too much, I didn't want him thinking I was obsessive.

This show is crazy
Some1 just threw their shoe up here 😭

Throw it back
Thats what I would do

Idk where it came from
I just turned around and it was there

Keep it then look for the dumb bastard who only has one shoe

Good idea. Hope they have vip
Gotta go sing now ttyl


I never found out whose shoe it was. I threw it away because I didn't want to keep it, that's gross. I filmed my self throwing it away and posted it to my story with the caption: sorry to who ever this belonged to. Most fans replied laughing at the fact i had a random shoe, but like thirty people said it was wrong for me to do. I didn't really care. Sam responded saying: you should've played baseball with it. I thought that was a good idea but I wasn't about to dig through trash to find the damn thing.

On the drive to the hotel everyone started drinking, which was something we did every night. By the time me got there we were all drunk. All of us except for Andrew, he hadn't been drinking recently, but I couldn't give less of a fuck.

I found my way to my room, grabbed my phone, and looked through my contacts eventually finding Sam's. I pressed the FaceTime button, it rang twice before he picked up. "Colby it's two in the morning." He was barely in frame, but i could see his blue eyes at the bottom of my screen. "I know." He let out a yawn and moved his phone further down so i could see his full face. "Did you need something?" He asked in his tired voice. "Someone to talk to." He jokingly rolled his eyes and sat up. "Are you drunk?" He asked, he opened his door and walked down a hallway. "Maybe." I laughed. He chuckled and grabbed a cup. "Thats why you're so giddy." He smiled at me and i felt my cheeks heat up. "You're smile is so pretty."

*Sam pov*

"You're smile is so pretty." I heard Colby giggle over the phone. I immediately dropped my smile and the cup i had in my hand. Colby just called me- my smile pretty. Like the guy I just met four days ago for the first time? It made me feel weird. Not good, weird. I mean I barely know him, that's weird right? Am I overthinking this? Prob-

"Sam? Did i lose you? Hotel wifi is ass." Without thinking I hung up on him. Hopefully he would just think the call dropped because of the wifi.

I walked to Amy's room to tell her what happened, I knew she would be awake because she's basically nocturnal. I opened her door and plopped down next to her on the bed. "Whats wrong?" She asked looking down at me. "Don't tell anyone. But Colby just called me he was drunk, and we were talking and he called my smile pretty. You know how i am with that type of stuff, so I hung up on him. I don't know what to do, I meant i feel bad but i also just met him. Isn't it weird to call someone pretty that you just met?" She put her phone down and laid next to me. "Well I don't see an issue with it, but I know that you do. I would talk to him, when he's sober, let him know that you don't like what he said. Set boundaries." I nodded even though she wasn't looking at me. "Thanks, I'll do that." Only if he brought it up first.

I walked back into my room and sat down at my drum set. I started playing random beats until one stuck. I played it over and over again adding small tweaks here and there. I thought it sounded really good so I wrote it down. I continued to play, and added lyrics. Before i knew it i had a new song to record.

724 words

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