Anan Sea-7 (final part )

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Anan dad and sea mom meet at the local restaurant that they used to meet at their uni time. They both plan to meet each other children to fix plan . Sea mom decide to visit another province to meet Anan . While Anan dad decide to visit Sea. 

Anan dad invite Sea to a place and decide to talk . Sea was little bit awkward but they both talk .

Anan dad: I know that what's going between u and Anan ?

Sea looked at him and listen silently . 

Anan dad: Listen  son , i know u both love each other . I don't know what happened between u and sea . But u both should talk with each other . I am not forcing u to talk to him but i want u to talk to him . from small i know that Anan didn't get his mother love . I can't show him love because of my schedule . But i love him very much . so please talk to him. 

Sea : uncle , he was the one that disappear . 

Anan dad: If he would come then would  talk to him

 Nowadays , sea doesn't respond to any text or call . Even his friend try to contact him but he won't respond to anyone . 

Sea : I would talk to him .

Suddenly the door of the restaurant open reveling Anan . Anan went to Sea and held Sea hand .

Anan: Come with me . 

After that Ana drive to somewhere . Their was silent but Anan broke it .

Anan: Sea , i want u to listen to this . 

Suddenly a record audio start to play. 

Anan: What bring u here ?

Sea mom: Definitely not business .

Anan: What it is ?

Sea mom : The problem btw u and Sea .

Anan: So u came for that .But what about u and ur son .

Sea mom smiled .

Sea mom: I know that sea thinks that I hate him but it isn't like that all . I know I can't give time to sea but I never hated him . When I was going to give my life , sea was my hope. I never blame him for his father death , it was the truck driver fault .I was so busy that I can't give time to him that I regret till today . I even forget his birthday , I am a worst mother but I love him .I wanna apologize him for that . And today I came here to help to not regret at future. I know that there is misunderstanding btw u two. Just talk and solve it .

Anan: I know that I am going to talk to him after going finishing the business .

Sea mom : Business can wait but love and time can't.

Sea mom finally  make Anan to contact Sea but  he wasn't picking up his phone .He understand why  Sea isn't picking up call . He shouldn't have ignore Sea like that .  Sea mom know that that's why she make Anan dad to visit Sea. She also know that Anan dad won't be able to convince his son that's why she came here . She also want to fix the relationship of Anan and Sea. She know that misunderstanding shouldn't be there for a long time . That's why she came there , but she also want to fix the relationship between her and Sea . 

Anan understand sea mom words . So he follows her . Actually Anan was listening to Anan dad and sea conversation on call . So when sea said that he would talk , he immediately enter.  Anan took him at the same place that they first meet . They both sat there . Then Anan told Sea what he heard at that day.

Sea: You listen right but it was half. Actually after left .

At the time when Anan misunderstood .

Sea: That the answer u all expected but for me p'Anan  is someone who is so focused and have a lot of determination . He is someone that inspire me  a lot . Not because he is perfect , rich and handsome that i like him . Even he have a flaws i would like p'Ana equally . No actually , i love him . 

After Sea finished talking . 

Anan: I am sorry Sea for misunderstanding u and hurting u . 

They both became silent . 

Anan: I love u Sea 

He doesn't know from when he start liking Sea and now he love him . He doesn't know when and how .  when  he left cookies for him and it taste like his mom's or when he cried infront of him showing his weakness or when he smile every time making Anan feel comfortable or When he cooks for him and take care of him . When he falls he doesn't know but one thing he knows that he falls for him . He doesn't realize at first but know he realize it . 

Sea: I love u too p'Anan not because of ur perfection but because of who u are and please never leave me . 

Sea was also confused at first when does he falls for him . At that time when he comfots him while he saw him crying and share his pain with or at that when Anan was there for him whenever he needed him but he also know that he falls for him slowly but deeply . But he was insecure and he knows that Anan was there for him to secure by not disappearing like that again And he was also ready to secured Anan from his insecurity . 

Anan: Never 


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