"Stan.. you can't be serious?!"

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(Kyle POV)

I was sitting in our living room, waiting for Stan to bring home breakfast like he said he would. Which felt like forever, it's almost 11:00 AM, where is he? I was watching K-dramas, because why not? I was about to move on to the next episode till I saw Stan break the door open and run to our bedroom. Holy shit what happened? I followed him upstairs, yelling "Stan what's wrong?". I reached our bedroom door and it was locked. "Stan please let me in, I'm your best friend! I love you a lot please," I said, I have no idea what's wrong with him, and now I'm worried. "Leave me alone Kyle." I heard Stan reply, It hurt me a little, but I went to the kitchen and took out a toothpick and lock picked the door.
I walked into Stan crying his eyes out, laying on his bottom bunk, I ran up to him and sat next to him, he was crying an ocean out. "STAN WHATS WRONG?", he didn't reply. I expected him to say something about Wendy, but he didn't say a word. "Ok Stan, I see you need time, I'll be outside." I stood up after saying that and headed to the door, before I could close it-

(Stan, Kyle)
"I'm not going to college"

"Stan.. you can't be serious?!"

"I'm so serious right now"

"Stan, but are of your hard work though out elementary to now?!"

"Kyle. There was no hard work, YOU were the one putting in hard work, I didn't. I just went to school to finish high school so I could at least find a decent job. You had all the A's I could ever wish for, all I got were C's and lower, or maybe if I'm lucky maybe a B-."

"Stan... That doesn't mean you can't try in college, I know you have potential."

"NO I DON'T, all the damn potential goes to you, Kyle you're just better going to college than me."

"Stan, what about all our plans together... I've looked forward to it, if you don't come we barely gonna see each other, and what about Wendy-"

"There is no more Wendy."


"You heard me, there is no more Wendy."

"Stan, I know you. I know you won't say it, but... do you want a hug?"

*Stan nodded his head*

"Hey, I know I can't get you to go to college, but you still wanna come and share dorms? I think they allow that, you can keep me company while I do school."

"I guess I'll think about it."

"And maybe you'll reconsider going to college-"


'Alright alright, but just so you know. I love you so much dude"

"I love you too."

"No homo or was that homo"

"Kill yourself"


I was hugging Stan with the normal strength a person would use to hug someone, but he started hugging me hard, like very hard, did I move? No, can I breathe normally? Fuck no, but did I still comfort him? Fuck yeah!

(Visual ➡️➡️➡️➡️↘️)

(Author note⬇️)MY ART AGAIN?! NO WAY! I wanted to do something like chibi, instead of like a a whole scale of the body, because that would take too much time

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(Author note⬇️)
MY ART AGAIN?! NO WAY! I wanted to do something like chibi, instead of like a a whole scale of the body, because that would take too much time. BUT IG IT TURNED OUT OK!

Is this one with Stan and Kyle better, or the one with Wendy?
Notice how Stan is in the shadow, and Kyle is not?!?!
Look at the paper on the desk btw!

(611 words)

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