It was all my fault

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(NOT MY ART⬆️⬆️)
Stan Pov

I woke up to bright light... What the fuck happened... I felt a big headache on my head like there was a rock on it. I felt a sharp pain in my arm. A IV Drip... Holy shit I have no memory of what happened. I feel extra shitty right now. I sit up and a saw a nurse walk in. She was shocked to see me awake, a doctor ran in and gave me the news I've been in a car crush and luckily been in a coma for only 6 days.

"Thank you for letting me know, is there anything else I need to know?"

"Have you by any chance be friends with a patient named Kyle Broflovski?"

"Yes I am friends with someone like that, why?"

"He was also in the accident with you in it."

My heart stopped beating for a second. Kyle? Is he ok? Holy shit.


"He is alive, but his health is doing very badly compared to yours."

"How come? We were both in the front seat shouldn't we both have the same results?"

"He hit the steering wheel pretty hard, it would've been worse if he wasn't wearing a seatbelt."

"May I see him?"

"Of course,  right this way"

The doctor helped me get to Kyles room, while also moving my monitors and stuff with me. I walked into the room to see Kyle having a oxygen mask on him. I felt my heart drop. It all started running back to me, how I was probably drunk and he had to drive. The doctor had walked out and gave us some privacy. I looked at his peaceful sleeping body, I held his hands, which were ice cold... I remember how he used to complain to me how my hands were cold. Now I get to complain to him about his, but complain with no one to reply to my comments.

I started crying, and soon my eyes started turning puffy and red. It was all my fault, maybe if I didn't drink so much we wouldn't have ended in this situation. I fell to the ground, while holding onto the edge of Kyles bed. I couldn't handle the moment at all, I started going dizzy, I tried to stand up but fell back.

Someone caught me

It was


(Stan, Kenny)

"Jeez Stan you should go rest, I'm sure Kyles gonna be fine."

"But Graduation? Kyle been looking forward to it because of all his efforts."

"Stan do you care more about his health or some stupid want of his"

"I guess you're right"

"Hey stop crying"

Kenny hugged me and I started crying without stopping, it was too painful to see Kyle in this state. "Kenny I can't fucking take this"

"Stan you have to, for me, and especially Kyle."

"I love you Ken."

"I love you too Stan"

Kenny picked me up and sat me on the couch in Kyles room, it wasn't a too big one so I couldn't find the right position to fall asleep in, Kenny tilted my head onto his shoulders.


"Cmon go ahead, you need it, I'm just a replacement for Kyle. If You and Kyle weren't in this state I would have thrown you out the window by now."

"You're mad in love with butters"

"You just realized?"

"Shut the fuck up"

With that I fell asleep on Kenny's shoulder.

With that I fell asleep on Kenny's shoulder

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Uh 😞 working.

574 words

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