I Love You

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(This is a scene where before Ember and Wade knows about the flood waters coming to her town. But in this version, the wall holds and the flood doesn't happen.)

Ember was hurting real bad, because she was stuck. Last night, Wade revealed by accident that Ember was responsible for the pipes and he also revealed that he loved her.

And what did she say in return? "I don't love you.".

The words that her father used against her had hurt. But what hurt worse was the broken hearted look that Wade had on his face when he left the party.

It was over for Ember. She couldn't run the shop anymore. She was scared to talk to her father because he was angry at her for breaking his trust. She was scared to talk to Wade because she was afraid he wouldn't talk to her. Not like she'd blame him, anyway.

But would he? He was always willing to talk things out with her, even if she was angry. But then again, he's better off without her. She's just scared that she has to choose between two sides. Her parents or Wade's side?

She parked her motorcycle on a bridge and looked at all the beautiful scenery. It reminded her of when she went to see the view with Wade on their first date. She remembered how nervous she was at first because she knew what other elements thought of her kind. But after being with Wade, and having fun with those kids, it's as if Wade made all her insecurities vanish like smoke.

She looked at the glass ball with the glass vivisteria inside. She made that herself at the beach after she told Wade about her worries for her father and their shop. She called herself a mess for crying. But Wade called her beautiful. He didn't judge her for being sad, or angry. He was sad because it was his way of expressing how much he cares. He once told her that getting angry is a way of telling her something. She figured out it was a way of telling her that she didn't want to run the shop.

Ember still felt like she couldn't run away with Wade because she didn't want to let her father down. That's why she pushed him away. But was Wade looking out for her or just himself?

She couldn't take it anymore. It was too much emotion and insecurity pent up inside her. She was about to throw the glass ball out. But she stopped and looked at her sad reflection. She felt pathetic. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't stop thinking about Wade. She couldn't stop thinking about the fun times, the sad times, the first time they touched, the first time that Ember laughed, cried, and had more fun in her life than she had ever done.

Then, she figured it out.

She loved Wade.

But she didn't say it.

But what could she do? It's not like she'll be able to see him again. It's not like her dad will except it. It ate her up inside.

Ember: Why can't I be a good daughter?

??: Oh, Ember.

She turned around. It was her mother. She had a caring sad look on her face.

Cinder: You were already a good daughter.

Ember began to cry. She embraced her mother.

Ember: I'm so sorry, mom. I should've told you everything. About the pipes. About Wade. Everything.

Cinder: It's okay, Ember.

They both released from their hug.

Cinder: It wasn't fair, what your father said to you the last night.

Ember: I thought I wanted to please both of you by taking over the shop. I tried so hard, but I keep getting so angry. You guys have sacrificed so much for me to be happy, and I was so scared that if I told you the truth, it would hurt you. Now, I'm not so sure that that's my dream, anymore.

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