Taking Care of the Baby

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(Wade is going to be taking care of the baby.)

Wade and Ember were sleeping peacefully in bed. The store opened at 10 am, so they had time to sleep in, and to get ready for the day before the store opened.

A loud scream woke both of them.

Of course, because of Misty, their daughter, they had to wake up to take care of her.

Ember: I guess that means it's time.

Wade: No, it's okay. I can handle this.

Ember: You sure?

Wade: It's okay. You can take a rest I'll take care of her.

Ember: Alright. Knock yourself out.

Wade got up to find Misty in her crib, crying out.

Wade: Hey, sweetie. It's okay. I got you.

He picks her up to cradle her.

Then he smelled it.

Wade: Ok. I can do this.

He cleaned her up and changed her diaper.

Wade: There we go.

Misty giggled at her dad.

Wade's heart lept with joy at her giggled.


Wade looked back and saw his wife, impressed.

Ember: You actually can handle this. I'm impressed.

Wade: See? I told you. Did you not believe I could do it?

Ember: No it's just I'm usually the one taking care of the baby, because you're usually helping the rest of the family open up the shop.

Wade: Exactly. You're always working so hard. You have to come up with ideas for artwork, create the artwork and you have to stop to take care of the baby. I feel like I need to step up and help out.

Ember: But you also have to work on tours and run the desk.

Wade: I can ask Alan to take over. He's a great substitute. I can depend on him for anything.

Ember thought about it.

Ember: Alright. You've convinced me. Since you've already done a good job so far, I'll let you take care of her for the whole day. If you do well, without a problem, I'll let you take turns with me, because she needs her mom to take care of her, too.

Wade: Deal.

Ember: Alright.

She kissed his lips.

Ember: I love you.

Wade: I love you, too.

Ember looked at Misty.

Ember: Be good to Daddy.

Later that day, Wade began to feel tired, because the baby was keeping him busy.

She wanted to play, she cried.

She dropped at toy, she cried.

Dropped a pacifier, she cried.

Needed changing, she cried.

She needed feeding, she cried.

Wade did his best. He tried to feed her, but she sneezed mist in his face and made him look funny.

He tried to change her, and he grimaced at the smell.

For other things she cried for, he didn't understand how to play with her. Misty also needed her momma. But Ember was busy and needed to focus on her work. And Wade wanted to be able to help out with the baby. But he needed help.

He got an idea. He didn't care anymore if Ember wasn't going to let him take a turn with taking care of the baby again, he was desperate. Everyone else was busy except the two best people he could think of.

Wade gave a call.

?: Hello?

Wade: Hey, Dad.

Bernie: Wade, how are you?

Wade: I need help trying to take care of Misty.

Bernie: Sure thing. We'll be over.

10 minutes later.

Bernie, Cinder, and Wade were taking turns playing with Misty.

All of a sudden, Ember came up.

Ember: Hey, Wade. Is every-. Oh, hey Dad. What are you guys doing here?

Wade: I asked them to come and help me out.

Ember wasn't really surprised that Wade was having trouble. But she actually smiled, knowing he just wanted to try his best because he cared about her and Misty.

Ember: You know, if you needed help. You could've asked me.

Wade: I didn't wanna overwhelm you. Plus your look like they're doing a good job.

Bernie held Misty by her arms while they both walked. Ember and Wade sat down to watch this.

Misty dropped her pacifier and Ember washed it off on her husband's water arm and gave it back to Misty.

Bernie showed her a cool new trick. Causing a fireproof rag to float by putting his fire under.

Misty cooed at it in awe.

Bernie: Fire invented flying.

Misty giggled and blew the rag out the door.

They all laughed.

Ember smiled and looked at Wade.

Later that night, Bernie and Cinder went home.

Ember, Wade and Misty were watching a kid's movie. Wade was holding onto the baby because Ember let him. As a reward.

Ember: Wade. Thank you for taking care of our daughter.

Wade smiled.

Wade: You're welcome. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be.

Ember giggled.

Ember: It's okay. I thought you would've had trouble. But I know you did your best because you love us both so much.

Wade: So you're not mad that I asked your parents over to help?

Ember: No, but next time you have trouble, please let me know. Because this little wonder needs both her mom and her dad. And her family.

Wade smiled. Ember was right.

Wade: I'm so lucky for both of you.

Ember blushed.

Ember: So am I.

They both kissed and and rested their heads on each other's shoulders as they cradled their daughter.

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