Big Decisions

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(Takes place before "The Future".)

Ember was happy that Wade was back. She just couldn't stop smiling. Wade was happy that Ember loved him back. He sorta felt like she did, already, but it felt good to actually hear it. They both decided to hang out for the rest of the day to celebrate getting back together, Ember making up with her dad, and saving the blue flame. They went to a movie, danced, and had dinner with Wade's family again. They were all happy that Wade finally had the girl of his dreams. That night, they both waited for the train to take Ember home.

Wade: Will you and your parents be okay?

Ember: We'll be fine, Wade. We're fire. We can always rebuild what we create.

Wade: Well, if you need anything, you can always call us.

Ember giggled.

Ember: Okay. I'll remember that.

Ember then started staring off into space.

Wade noticed.

Wade: What's on your mind?

Ember looked at him.

Ember: Do you think I should accept the  job that your mom offered me?

Wade thought about this.

Wade: Well, it's really up to you. I mean, you can still run the shop, if you want, but I think you're really good at glass making. You have such an artist ability and I think people will love it.

Ember thought about this.

Ember: I don't know. It's not that I don't want to. All I've known all my life was that other elements hated fire and taking over the shop, but after I've fallen for you, I'm not sure what to believe. And I don't know if I'll be okay on my own.

Wade: You won't be alone. I'll come with you. And you don't have to listen to what other elements believe. I believe you're amazing. And your parents know that you're a gift.

Ember smiled at what he said.

Ember: I won't run the shop, Wade. I've made up my mind and my parents are supporting me in my decision. Even if I wanted to, I would let you visit whenever you want. I could've even hired you.

Wade smiled at her thoughtfulness.

Wade: Thank you.

Ember: No. Thank you.

Wade: What for?

Ember: For coming back for me.

Wade smiled with tears in his eyes.

Wade: Thank you for letting me come back to you.

Ember smiled, too.

Ember: And I'm sorry for pushing you away. I should've told you the truth, last night.

Wade: It's okay, I get it, now. You were just putting your family first.

Ember: No, that's not the reason.

Wade looked at her.

Wade: What do you mean?

Ember: I was scared that we couldn't be together. Not because we were fire and water, but because our differences and others. I knew how my parents would react and I felt like people would never accept us. Or accept me mostly. I know that's stupid, but-- I don't even know what I'm saying anymore.

Wade: What does your heart say?

Ember: I don't care what everyone else says. I want to be with you more than anything, because you make who I am, now.

Wade blushed as the train came.

Wade: I guess you have to go, now.

Ember's light dimmed.

Ember: Yeah, ok. See you tomorrow?

Wade: Yeah, of course.

Ember went away for a short bit, then came back and kissed Wade. Wade kiss back and hugged her. Ember put her hands around Wade's head.

They parted.

Ember: I love you. So much, Wade.

Wade smiled.

Wade: I love you, too. Just as much, Ember.

She went on the train, and turned around to face Wade.

Ember blew a kiss that turned into a heart shaped smoke ring that blew into Wade's face as he made a dumb lovestruck smile.

Ember giggled cutely and waved as the train left.

Wade waved back as she left. They both have a bright future, together.

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