A Big Leap

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(4 Years Later)

Wade had a big surprise for Ember. He was excited but he was also nervous about what Ember would say. He had to ask a few important people.

Brook: That's great, Wade. I can't wait to hear what Ember says about it.

Wade: Me too. I just hope it turns out okay.

Brook: Us too, sweetie. We're all cheering for you.

Then he called a few other people.

Cinder: Yes! It's finally happening!

Wade: I know, right? I know it's coming up a bit fast.

Cinder: Are you kidding? I wish you kids would've done this earlier.

Wade chuckled.

Wade: So, Bernie. What do you say?

Bernie pondered on this. He knew that it's a big step, but he also knew that this would make his daughter very happy.

Bernie: Wade, you have my blessing. You're a good man with a good heart.

Wade: Thanks, Bernie.

Bernie: Actually, you can call me Dad.

Wade sniffled. The thought of a father figure, or another to look up to, made him happy.

Wade: Thanks, Dad.

Ever since Bernie got to know Wade better, they've actually gotten along with each other. That made Ember happy.

Wade was ready. He had a plan. He just hoped that everything worked out well.

Brook: Even if she says "no", it doesn't mean she won't ever say "yes". A girl like her just needs some time to think and reflect.

Her words rang in Wade's head.

Wade: Alright, let's do this.

He picked up the phone and called her.


Ember had exciting news to tell Wade. She also had something talk to him about. Something for their future, together. She was nervous about what he would say. If he said "no", she knew it was best not to take it to heart. She would understand him like good girlfriend would do. After all, he did understand her.

All of a sudden, her phone rang. She knew who it was.

Ember: Hey, sweetie. What's going on?

Wade: Hey, babe. I just decided to ask if you wanted to do something a little different for our date night, tonight?

Ember loved date night. It meant spending time with Wade and telling each other all about their jobs and what they were up to. Usually they would go out to movies, diners, or sports games. One time, they even went to a vivisteria garden. Ember grinned, knowing Wade probably had something good up his sleeve.

Ember: Alright. What've you got planned?

Wade: I found out that there's a restaurant that has karaoke booths. I wondered if you would like to try since we've never done it. Plus they have private rooms so you don't have to suffer embarrassment like I accidentally caused you on our first date.

Ember laughed, remembering their first few dates had a few rough parts in them.

Ember: Don't worry about it. The good parts were the ones that I couldn't stop smiling about, afterwards.

Wade: Whatever you say. So is it a yes?

Ember: Why not? I'm up for anything. What's the special occasion?

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