Chapter 1

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Penny flipped her collar down and glanced at the mirror one last time. Then at the clock.

"Oh shit! I'm late for school!" She yelled and ran down the stairs.

Her little sister, Elise, bumped into her. She was holding a hair clip with a small black witch's hat glued to it. A purple ribbon was sewn on it. Penny grabbed Elise before she could fall down the stairs.

"Whoah sis. Careful." Penny said. "What's that?"

Elise giggled with excitement and gives her the hairclip. "It's for you."

Penny smiled and pinned the hairclip in her hair, making sure the witch's hat was on a tilt.

"Thanks Eli." She glanced at the clock and swore in vampiric. "Gotta go. Bye!"

"Have fun in school sis!" Elise yelled then skipped back into her room to play with her dolls that her uncle gave her.

Outside, Penny was using her vampire speed to run to school when she bumped into a boy. Both of them fell on their arses and looked up. Sparks flew between them. Penny's blue eyes flashed to a beautiful purple colour and so did the boy's. Penny gave him a thin lipped smile and so did the boy. The boy got up and extended his hand to her.

"Sorry for that." His accent was a thick Irish accent.

Penny's heart skipped a beat and she took his hand. "Penny."

"Adonis, Vampire hunter."

And suddenly Penny's smile dropped. A vampire hunter! She had to think of an excuse, quick.

"Erm. I... I'm late for school! Bye!" She ran past Adonis and towards her school.

Adonis watched Penny go with a slight smile. He fell for her, hard.


"You want to spend time with me on one condition that I give... Your 'mother," Caleb outs an emphasis on mother. "100 million dollars?"

"You've got the money, father." Penny narrowed her eyes on father.

"When will you ever let go that I killed Veronica in front of you?" Caleb asked while pulling a cheque out of his draw.

"When you're dead." Penny sat back and crossed her arms. "Now, are you going to give my mother the money or not?"

Caleb looked at Penny as if she was stupid. "What do you think I'm doing?" He asked, waving the pen. "Now. Is this gonna be a continuous thing or...?"

"It's gonna be a continuous thing."

Caleb smiled, showing two fangs. "Excellent."

Penny got up. "See you tomorrow, father." She leaves the office.

"Peniela." Penny stopped, hand on the door handle. "Who turned you?"

"Ask Victor. Maybe he'll answer that." Penny left the office.

When she got home she saw that her adopted mother, Ricki, was staring at a cheque for 100 million with wide eyes. She looked at Penny.

"Penny. Why does this cheque say Caleb's name on it?" She asked, waving the cheque.

"Damn. That was fast." Penny muttered then cleared her throat. "Well... Um. Here's the thing. I went to father and asked him to give you 100 million dollars if I hung out with him."

Ricki fainted. Penny acted fast and grabbed her wand and made a cloud to soften Ricki's fall. Then she walked up the stairs. She walked into her room and immediately fell on her behind. Elise was hugging her tightly.

"I missed you." She said and Penny laughed, patting her head.

"I missed you too."

"Now, I'm gonna braid your hair and you will tell me everything about that soulmate of yours."

Penny freezes. "Come again?"

"Your soulmate." Elise looked at Penny and laughed. "I'm a Goddess! I can see who's soulmates with who."

Penny's face drained of colour and she gave a nervous laughter. Elise took that the wrong way.

"Oh leave Colt alone. He's long dead. Now," She dragged Penny to her bed and sat down on it. Penny sat next to her. "What's his name?"


"Ooh la la." Elise teased. "Does he have an accent?"

"You'd know that Elise. You're half vampire like me."

"Answer the damn question!"

Penny sighed. "He has a thick Irish accent."

"Nice." Elise finished one side and moved to the next. "And does a he do work?"

Penny gave Elise a 'are you kidding me?' look.

"Mummy took me on a walk to the beach after I heard about Adonis. So, does he work?" Elise tugged on Penny's hair gently, telling her to stop moving.

"Well... Does vampire hunter count as a profession?"

"Huh?" Elise said, surprised.

"Yeah. He's a vampire hunter."

"I don't think the universe likes you." Elise murmured and Penny laughed.

"I don't think so either."

"Well, let's go through your trauma."

"Let's not."

"Shush. Anyway. Your daddy killed your mummy in front of you at six. Your sissy, Raven, who you were very close to, was dragged away from you-"

"I don't think that counts as trauma." Penny murmured and turned to Elise once she finished braiding Penny's hair.

"It does in my books. Anyway. Then Colt happened. Oh yeah, your daddy beat you for a long time. And now this."

"Look. Adonis and I aren't gonna happen. The end of my story."

"It's not the end. I know it! You two will start dating and it'll be the best forbidden love story told."

"This love is forbidden so I don't know what the universe is thinking of giving me a vampire hunter as a soulmate. Anyway. Me and Adonis will never happen. We met, the end."

"If you say so." Elise said and jumped off Penny's bed before skipping away, humming the wedding anthem.

"And we certainly aren't gonna get married!" Penny yelled and shut her door.

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