Chapter 6

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After therapy, Penny went to the beach and sat down. Her house was nearby, so she wasn't afraid of walking home alone. Soon, she heard sand crunching. Penny leaped into a lunge and was about to bare her fangs when she saw it was Adonis. Penny relaxed and closed her mouth before he could see her fangs.

"Hey Penny." He said and sat down next to her.

"Hey." Penny said.

"So. My parents want to meet you this weekend."

Penny's face drained of colour. If Adonis couldn't sense she was a vampire his parents would definitely sense she's a vampire. Penny gave a nervous laughter.

"I-I'm doing something this weekend." She lied.

"Oh? Maybe next weekend?"

"That weekend too. I'm booked!"

"Oh. Maybe tomorrow then?"

"Uhh. I'll be sick tomorrow."

"And how would you know that?" Adonis looked at her with amusement.

"I can see the future!" Penny squeaked out.

"Oh? What am I having for dinner tomorrow night?" Adonis asked.

"It doesn't work like that Adonis. It comes rand-" She looks at him and sees him smiling. "Oh my gods Adonis!"

Adonis laughed and so did Penny, but she covered her mouth.

"Okay okay. Fine. Why don't you tell me why you're lying to me?" Adonis asked.

"Uhm. Uhh. Ehh." Penny couldn't think of a lie fast enough.

"Penny! Dinner!"

Penny hopped onto her feet. "That's my mum calling me. Gotta go. Bye."

Adonis waved goodbye and watched her jog away with a smile. When Penny got to her house she saw Elise smiling at her with a grin. Penny narrowed her eyes at Elise.

"Don't..." She warned and sat down at the dining table.

Elise also sat down. "Adonis~." She said in a sing song tone.

"Right that's it." She grabbed the pencil from behind her ear, twirled it and pointed the now wand at Elise.

Before she could cast an incantation Ricki glared at Penny.

"No spell-casting at the dining table." Ricki said.

Penny twirled the wand, turned it back into a pencil and tucked it behind her ear. She glared at Elise.

'You're lucky.' She mouthed.

Elise ate a tomato from her salad. 'Adonis.' She mouthed back.

'You better start running after dinner because I will turn you into a toad.' Penny mouthed.

Elise poked her tongue out and stabbed at her steak. Dinner was quiet. After dinner Penny chased Elise around the house, trying to turn her into a toad.

"Here comes the bride!" Elise squealed and ran up the stairs.

"Hallaire!" Penny yelled and a streak of blue light shot out of the wand and missed Elise by an inch.

"Adonis and Penny sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love. Then comes marriage. Then a baby in a carriage."

"Hallaire!" This time Penny was able to turn Elise into a toad. "Ha!"

Penny picked her sister up, walked to her room and sat down at her desk. She put Elise the toad on the desk and turned around in her chair. Elise croaked.

"I'll turn you back later. Maybe." She said.

The toad croaked again and Penny sighed.

"Promise not to make fun of me and Adonis?"

The toad nodded and Penny took her wand out from behind her ear. She pointed it at Elise and said the spell to turn her back. Elise ran out of the room giggling. Penny's holographic box beeped and she groaned. The half witch turned around, pressed a button and a holographic image shimmered into view.

Caleb beamed at her. "Peniela. I have a surprise."

Penny put her head on the table. "What is it this time?"

"A celebration will be held in your honour." Caleb's smile widened, showing both of his fangs. "Maybe you can find yourself a mate."


Caleb put a hand up. "I know. I know. You're fifteen. But I found Veronica when I was younger than you."

"And that's because you stalked her and harrassed her and threatened her for four years. And you were only ten!" Penny looked at her father with an exasperated look.

"Oh C'mon Penny. You make me sound like a bad person."

Penny got up and walked to her floor length mirror. She looked in the mirror and tucked a piece of hair behind her eat. Then an idea struck her.


Caleb hummed.

"Say I did find my soulmate but I wanted to hide my vampire side. How would I do that?"

"There's a witch that can hide your... Other half. Some say she's the oldest witch. Her name is Ada."

The next day Penny told Elise to cover for her. Then she started to walk out of the outskirts of Arien and started to walk up the many, many, many cliffs. She contemplated turning into a bat but she didn't want to. Besides, she wanted to walk not fly. And, so she walked.

The sun was hot and high, and it tanned Penny's skin. Finally, she got to Ada's skin. Penny lifted her hand to knock on the door but it swung open.

"Come in Penny. Come in." A croaky old voice said.

Penny walked in and the door swung shut behind her. An old woman, bent over to ease the pain in her back, stood at a cauldron. A calloused hand gripped a stick, carved to perfection and cut to the perfect height for a walking stick. Curly white hair stuck out, as if she was electrocuted. Ada smiled at Penny, showing a few teeth missing.

"A half vampire. Half witch. Visiting my humble establishment." She said and walked to Penny, her arms shaking as she put her cane down.

"What can I help you with dear?" She asked. Penny opened her mouth and the witch held her hand up. "Ah ah ah. I know all. I know all."

Ada chuckled as she walked back to her cauldron.

"You want to know if you and Adonis can be together. And the answer is," Ada put a piece of branch in the cauldron and pink smoke puffed up. "Yes. The next question is: Will you be able to meet his parents. The answer is... Yes."

"Oh really? How. Please tell me."

"Such young love." Ada looked at Penny with a big grin. "When I was young I had men chasing me. Ahaha. Ahh. Well. Here. Take this," Ada gives Penny a piece of paper.

"How will I repay you?" Penny asked, tucking the paper in her pocket.

"By showing the bards the best forbidden love story ever. Now shoo. Shoo. Go to your love"

Penny turned around and the light darkened.

"She who finds her soulmate must decide: Vampire or witch." A raspy voice said.

"Sorry?" Penny turned around.

Ada had her head up, looking at the ceiling. "Witch or vampire. Find him. Search for him. Look for him. He'll be lost but he can be find. Choose witch and you'll lose him. Choose vampire and you'll keep him forever. Forever. Forever." Ada fell asleep.

Penny raised an eyebrow in confusion then left.

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