Chapter 11

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"Father!" Penny yelled, slamming the door behind her and kicking her boots off. "I'm here!"

The house was quiet. Penny frowned. Maybe Caleb was at a meeting. Penny sighed with relief, not wanting to deal with him. Then she walked to the kitchen to get an energy drink. A maid was in the kitchen, cleaning the pots and pans. She looked up and smiled brightly at Penny.

"Miss Voireca. How are you today?" She greeted.

"Eh. Can't complain." Penny opened the fridge and looked inside. "Hey, are there any more energy drinks?"

"No Miss. I'll get some after I'm finished. Oh, and your father left you a note. It's in your room." The maid goes back to cleaning.

"Thanks Rylie."

Penny walked up the stairs and into her room. A note was on her bed. Penny walked to it and read the note.

I'll be gone for a few days. But if you stay here until the Ceremony then I'll give your 'mother' 200 million dollars.

Penny scoffs and threw the note down onto her bed.

"Typical." She muttered and walked to her window to stare outside.

Penny stared out the window for a while. An idea struck her. Since she can't tell her father about Adonis she might do something else.

"Rylie!" Penny yelled, popping her head out of the room.

"Yes Miss?"

"When is the Ceremony?" Penny asked, running down the stairs to put her boots back on.

"In a few days. Why Miss?"

"Cool. Cool. Thanks. Um have you seen my wallet around here?" Penny searched for her wallet, still putting her boots on.

"Here you go Miss." Rylie gives Penny the wallet.

"Thanks." Penny gives Rylie a smile.

Penny left her house and ran down the street. Every dangerous creature you could name lived in the Dark Lands. Most hated the Voireca's but the vampires respected them. Some, however, don't respect Penny. They think that since she's half a vampire she shouldn't be respected.

When Penny walked down the street, looking for a certain farm, vampires would either glare at her or bow their heads with respect. Children ran away from her, terrified that she would hurt them. Penny used her enhanced hearing to listen to people's conversations. One made her stop with fear.

'We should hurt her mate.' A vampire whispered.

'Yes. But we gotta find him first. Besides, she's not strong enough to be labelled a vampire.' His friend whispered back.

Penny bared her fangs and clenched her fists. Rage washed over her and she shook angrily.

'Look at her, baring her fangs as if that's terrifying. She's half a vampire!'

'According to Caleb Voireca she's the second most powerful vampire.'

The vampire scoffs. 'Second most powerful vampire. That's bullshit. She's half a vampire. Come. Let's find her mate.'

Penny's eyes turned purplish blue and she closed her eyes to calm down. She's got to act fast. Better go and find the farmer, talk to him then go and protect Adonis. And so, she walked pretty quickly to the farm. When she got there an elderly vampire was tending to the crops at the front. The vampire looked up when she saw Penny she bowed her head.

"Miss Voireca. How can I help you?"

"Your son has one favour to owe me. Where is he?" Penny asked, jumping to the point.

"Oh. He's at the back feeding the chickens."

Penny walked quickly to the back. Nick was feeding the chickens happily. He looked up at the sound of crunching gravel and bowed his head.

"Peniela." He muttered.

"Remember when I saved you?" Nick nodded. "Good. $200. Pretend to be my mate please."

"Of course. Anything to help my saviour."

Penny smiled. "Glad I can count on your help. Give me your measurements and I'll give you a suit. Meet at the Voireca mansion in a few days."

She turned and walked away. One thing down. Now she has to protect Adonis.

Penny found Adonis walking late at night. She carefully followed him, making sure he was alright. When he got to his house Penny scoffed.

"Cowards." She murmured and walked back to the Voireca mansion.

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