Chapter 9

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When Penny got home she saw Ricki was asleep, a half empty glass of wine beside her. She smiled softly. Ever since she gave birth to Elise she started drinking wine, even though she hated it.

"So~? How was it?" Elise asked, teleporting to Penny.

"Please do not use your powers here?" Penny whispered, making sure that her voice was low.

"Why? Harper, Bianca and Lisa are all asleep? They won't know that I've the missing goddesses for demons." Elise put her hands on her hips. "They'll know when the war comes but they won't know before. Because they're dumb."

"They're demons of Chaos and one is a Demon of Creation. They would know if you keep teleporting around the house."

"Fine. I'll stop teleporting. Now. How was it?"

"I think... I think I want Adonis to be my boyfriend." Penny confessed.

"Ha!" Elise pointed at her. "So, tell him you're a vampire."

"It's not that easy Eli!"

Ricki grumbled in her sleep and both Penny and Elise looked at her with fearful expressions, scared that the angel was gonna wake up. When she didn't they turned back to each other.

"Then make him fall in love with you. Considering that he's already... Alpha. What word am I looking for?" They both were quiet, waiting for Alpha to say the word Elise was looking for. "Smitten? Smitten. Anyway, considering the fact that he's already smitten with you it won't be that hard. There's a festival in Arien. It's called the Aphrodite Festival. You and Adonis can go to that."

"It's not that easy though. He's a vampire hunter. I'm half a vampire. We're just not... Meant to be."

"If you weren't meant to be then you wouldn't be soulmates. Now, stop whining and get to bed. I'm going to bed myself."

Penny watched her go then walked up the stairs. She waited at the top, making sure that Elise had gone inside her room, then walked into her own room. Penny had been studying soulmates for a long time but she got no where. Now that she found hers, she might get somewhere. Maybe she'll find something that'll get rid of her vampire side.

And so, after five energy drinks, Penny was asleep at her table. Notes were strewn around her, some with messy writing and others with question marks. But she got no luck. At eight o'clock her door was kicked open. Penny startled awake and fell off her chair. She rubbed her hip and glared at the person that interrupted her sleep. Elise smiled at her with a wide, cheeky grin that said she was up to something.

"Okay. So, I stole your phone, found Adonis's number and texted him saying that you are meeting him at the Aphrodite meeting. You're welcome." She threw Penny's phone at her and Penny caught it. "Also, I made your outfit."

She held up a short purple dress with long lace sleeves. Penny groaned.

"If you weren't my sister you'd be dead by now." She grumbled and Elise beamed at her. "Fine. Say that he'd accept my vampire side what then? What would happen after? He wouldn't abandon his family like that? And we can't just sneak around his family forever."

"You can if you're sneaky enough." Elise threw the dress at Penny. "Now get dressed. Your date starts in an hour."

"You don't give me much time." Penny complained and got dressed behind her divider.

"Oh stop whining. You two are in I've. It's plain to see. A blind man could see it."

"Blind men can't see." Penny pointed out.

"But they can see your love."

"We aren't in lo- how did you get my measurements right?" Penny walked out from behind the divider.
"You were fast asleep so I got bored one night. Took your measurements and everything. You're one short vampire."

"I am not short. You are." Penny snapped.

"I'm a child. If course I'm gonna be short."

Penny put on a black pair of heeled boots with a gold buckle and left her room, Elise following her.

"Wait. Where'd you get the lace from?" Penny asked, stopping at the stairs.

"I'm the Goddess of Creation? I can create anything." Elise said as if it was obvious.


"Now go to your date."

"You're dead after this." Penny threatened.

"No I'm not. You care about me too much. Also, I can't die. I'm immortal."

Penny teleported to the agreed rendezvous place and leaned against the wall. She didn't have to wait long. Adonis came jogging towards her, holding two cups of coffee.

"I'm here. Sorry I'm late."

"You're only one minute late Adonis." Penny said with a closed mouth smile.

"Haha. Very funny. Here, got you a cup of coffee."


They stared in each other's eyes. Blue met silver. Penny smiled with a closed mouth smile and Adonis gave her a charming smile.

"Um. Let's. Let's go."

Adonis nodded and they walked into the Festival. Adonis played for everything. They had so much fun that Penny nearly forgot that she was a vampire. And then, it happened. She laughed. Penny threw her head back and laughed. Adonis stared at her with so much love he kissed her fangs. Penny noticed she was laughing and covered her mouth quickly.

"You have such a nice laugh." Adonis complimented.

Penny blushed and giggled. "Thanks." She muttered.

Adonis grabbed her chin and they looked in each other's eyes. Time slowed down and everything went quiet. Adonis wiped ice cream off the side of Penny's mouth. Penny blushed and smiled with her mouth closed.

"It's. Getting late. I should go home." Adonis said, standing up.

"Yeah me too. Bye Adonis."

Penny watched Adonis leave and for the first she had a good feeling about being his soulmate. She felt... Whole. Like as if what Colt did to her didn't matter anymore. And for the first time in forever she liked that feeling.

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