Chapter 14

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The next day, when Penny got home, she saw Elise standing inside the living room with a wide grin. Penny raised an eyebrow, wondering why her sister is up so early.

"What are you doing being up so early? It's," Penny checked her watch. "6.30am."

"Adonis is here for you." Elise said in a sing song tone.

Penny looked confused. "You're kidding right?"

"You've got a keen sense of smell. Check for yourself."

Penny rolled her eyes and sniffed the air. She smelled her mother's scent of strawberries and cream, Elise's scent and the smell of cinnamon and gingerbread cookies. Penny's eyes widen and ran upstairs and into her room.

"Go to bed Eli!" Penny said as she ran into her room.

"Ohh. But I'm not tired!" Elise stomped her foot and Penny poked her head out of the room to glare at her.

Elise rolled her eyes and stomped up the stairs to go back to bed. Penny put her head back in the room and found Adonis, sitting on her bed, waiting for her. Penny smiled.

"Adonis. Hi! What's wrong?" Penny walked to her bed and sat down.

"A group of vampires attacked me. One said something about me being the mate of Caleb's daughter. I don't know who Caleb is. I talked to my parents and they said the only Caleb they know is Caleb Voireca." Adonis sighed and looked at his hands.

Penny frowned. "Oh? Who are the Voireca's?" She asked, feigning ignorance.

"That's the thing. I did all the research I could but I couldn't find anything. Mother and Father said that the Voireca's are the most powerful vampires ever. They have two daughters. One is named Ravena and the other I can't remember." He sighed. "How can I be a vampire's mate? I am a vampire hunter. I hunt vampires!"

"Fate can be cruel." Penny said with a sigh.

"You sound like you're speaking from experience." Adonis commented.

Penny smiled sadly as memories flooded her. Memories of when Colt hurt her. Memories of when Colt pretended to love her. Memories of when Colt pretended to be someone he wasn't. Memories of when Colt used her. A tear slid down her cheek and Adonis looked at her with concern.

"Hey. Hey. I didn't mean to make you cry. What's wrong?" He hugged Penny.

"I've been used by a man that pretended to be someone he wasn't." Penny confided.

"Oh Penny."

They sat there for a while, neither speaking. Finally, Adonis stood up.

"Come on. I know a Cafe that opens really early." He gave her his hand.

Penny smiled. "Is this... A date?" She asked as he pulled her to his feet.

"Yes. It's a date."

Penny smiled with her mouth closed and they walked out of the room. Adonis led Penny to a Cafe. A few people sat at tables, laptops in front of them and coffees near them. Penny sniffed the air and could tell that some of them had an extra shot of caffeine. Penny walked to the counter and the barista smiled at her.

"Hello. Hello. What can I get for you?" He asked.

"A cappuccino please." Penny took her wallet out but Adonis stopped her.

"I'll pay for this."

"But I can pay for this." Penny argued.

"I don't care. A true gentleman pays for your coffee." Adonis took his wallet out. "An espresso please. You do remember how I like it right?"

The barista nods and tapped on the register. Penny scowled, not ready to give up.

"My family is rich. I can pay for this." She argued again.

"Nah ah. I'm paying." Adonis muttered, getting his key card out.

"No. I'll pay."

"No. I'll pay."

"No. I'll pay."

"No. Me."

"I will."

"I will."

"Ugh. Fine."

Adonis smiled and tapped his card on the eftpos machine. Penny walked to a table and sat down.

"So you don't take sugar in your coffee?" Adonis asked.

"Nope. Too sweet."

Adonis smiled. "So. What's your favourite food?"

"Uhh. I don't really like to eat. But I do like olives." Penny said.

Adonis snorted. "Olives are salty. They're disgusting."

"Oh yeah? What is your favourite food?" Penny raised an eyebrow.

"I like potatoes."

Penny shrugged. "Those are my second favourite food." She smiled softly, making sure to keep her mouth shut.

"What was his name?" Adonis asked.

"Huh?" Penny was confused.

"What was the man who used you called?"

"Colt Halefuel. Son of Ethan Halefuel."  Penny answered.

"Ethan Halefuel? The one who took Duchess Echo's duchy?" Penny nodded. "Huh. Didn't know that. Apparently some tragedy struck the duchy. A vampire had murdered a few citizens then stopped."

Penny's heart stopped. "Yeah. That vampire is one monster."

Adonis smiled. "I'm glad you're not a vampire." He put his hand on hers.

Penny laughed nervously and looked away. They stayed at the Cafe until 12 o'clock. Then they walked to a beach and had lunch there. Finally, it was dark.

"Come. I have one more thing to show you."

Adonis grabbed Penny's hand and led her through the streets of Arien and into the woods.

"Close your eyes." Adonis said as he stopped in the middle of a clearing.

Penny rolled her eyes and closed them. Rustling was heard then Adonis told her to open them. Penny opened her eyes and gasped. Small lights were lit up on tree branches, making it look magical. Flower garlands were strung everywhere and small white flowers were dotted everywhere. Penny turned around and stopped when she saw Adonis holding flowers.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked her.

Penny's heart stopped and her smile fell. "I..." She took a step back, shaking her head. Tears spring up in the corner of her eyes. "I can't. I'm sorry. I can't."

Then she turned and fled. Adonis dropped his arm and his hopeful smile disappeared, replaced with concern.

"Penny? Penny?!" He yelled, trying to get her to stop and explain to him why she couldn't be his girlfriend. But Penny kept running.

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