Chapter 12

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Penny's phone rang and she balanced one bag of groceries on her arm and gave the other to her butler. Her butler, who was already carrying four full bags of groceries, stumbled underneath the other bag.

"Sorry John." Penny apologised with a smile.

"All good Miss. I am a vampire after all. We can lift heavy stuff." John said.

Penny laughed and answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Penny. Hi. Can you pick up Elise from school?" Ricki asked.

"Sure. I love picking Elise up."

"Thanks. Just woke up with a terrible hangover. Can't feel my head. Fuck. Where are my glasses?"

"Thought you don't like your glasses."

"I don't. But I ain't putting my contacts in with a hangover like this." Rummaging could be heard on the other end. "Should stop drinking. Hate these hangovers. Where the fuck are my glasses."

Penny smiled. "Bye mum."

"Bye Penny."

The phone beeped and Penny put her phone in her pocket.

"Gotta go to Arien Preschool. Know where I live?" John nodded. "Cool. You good taking that home?"

"Anything for you miss." John bowed his head and walked in the direction of Penny's house.

Penny smiled softly. She was glad she had a butler like John to help her. With a sigh she walked to Elise's school and waited outside. Children ran out to their mothers and fathers, each holding a piece of paper. Elise skipped out of the school, holding a folded piece of paper.

"I punched somebody in the stomach today." She said proudly.

Penny raised an eyebrow. "Why?" She questioned.

"Well you know Grace Alltie?" Penny nods. "The bitch-"

"Language." Penny warned.

"Alpha and Viper swears in front of me." Elise put her hands on her hips.

"Doesn't mean you should repeat the words. Now. Why did you punch Grace?" Penny crossed her arms and smiled with her mouth closed.

"Well, she said that I won't be a famous fashion designer. She said that she knows what fashion is and I don't. I told her that she doesn't know my future like you do. She scoffed and ripped the dress I was working on to pieces. So I got angry and punched her."

"You are a problem sometimes." Penny said and started walking.

"And you're not?" Elise asked, skipping besides Penny.

"Funny." Penny muttered.

"I know I am."

For a while they walked quietly. A homeless man rattled his hat, which was full of coins. Suddenly, Penny stopped and closed her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Elise asked, also stopping.

"I feel... My mate is in trouble!" Penny's eyes opened and they turned purplish blue.

"Go save your man. I'll walk home." Elise started walking.

"Nuh-uh. I ain't letting you get kidnapped."

"Aww. But Penny-"

"No is no Elise. Now." Penny took the pencil from behind her ear and twirled it, turning it into a wand. "Tele!"

Elise groaned and a beam of light surrounded her, teleporting her home. Penny turned around, twirled the wand to turn it into a pencil, tucked the pencil behind her ear and used her vampire speed to find her soulmate.

Adonis was in an ally, surrounded by vampires. Penny made sure she was disguised before stopping in front of Adonis. She bared her fangs. The vampires laughed.

"Ah guys. Look! It's the weakest vampire ever!" The vampire said, leering at Penny.

Penny rolled her eyes. "Leave him alone!" She yelled.

"Hmm. Boys, what do we say?" The vampire looked at the others and they shook their heads, laughing. "No. Get her!"

A vampire jumped at Penny and Penny grabbed him by the arm, throwing him at the wall. The vampire made a dent in the wall. Another vampire ran at her, his eyes on her neck. Penny jumped at him and threw a fireball at him. The vampire screamed and ran away, his bottom on fire. Penny looked at her hands with surprise.

"What the...?" Adonis whispered.

Penny shrugged and pushed her hands forward. A wave of fire mixed with lightning shot forth, covering the rest of the vampires except one. The vampires died. The survivor fell onto his knees.

"Please!" He begged. "I have a wife and family!"

"Should've thought of that before hurting my mate." Penny growled and threw fire at him, killing him.

She stood there, breathing heavily. Adonis walked forward.

"I-I thought vampires had only one ability." He muttered.

Penny turned around and grabbed him by the shoulders. "You'll forget about this. You will walk home and forget all this." She said in a hypnotising tone.

Adonis froze and nodded. He turned around and walked home. Penny sighed and sat down on the ground, dead vampires still surrounding her.

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