Chapter 7

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"Toad spit. Twig off a dying tree. Purple dye. Rose petals for fragrance. Seaweed. Salt water. And Dragons scales..." Penny glanced at her ingredients. "I got everything except Dragons scales... And Dragons scales cost like... $50,000."

Penny sighed and folded the piece of paper up.

"Lords above. Give me strength to fight a dragon." The young witch took the pencil out from behind her ear and twirled it, turning it into a wand. "Now where can I find a dragon?"

"In the cave near Arien. A forty minute walk." Elise said, walking into the room.

"How do you know that?" Penny asked, turning around. "And where did you come from? I thought you and mum were at the beach."

"1. Alpha is a deer so I'm a deer. I can hear a lot. 2. I know everything. I'm a Goddess of Chaos and Creation. I should know where everything is." Elise said. "Also, mum forgot the juice."

Penny laughed. "Mum always forgets something." She sighed. "Now how to kill a dragon?"

"Maybe ask him for his scales?" Elise suggested.

"Oh right sure. 'Pardon me, kind dragon. May I please have some scales?" Penny scoffed.

"You should get to the dragon. Adonis is waiting." Elise said and left the room.

Penny groaned and walked out of the house. She teleported to the cave the dragon was sleeping in. With a sigh she breathed in.

"Oh dear! I seemed to have stumbled upon a Dragons lair! Whatever shall I do?" Penny said. "I do hope a big mean dragon won't eat me for breakfast!"

Silence. Penny scowled.

"I said: I do hope a big mean dragon won't eat me for breakfast!" She yelled.

Silence. Then a roar. A dragon stormed out of the cave and roared at Penny again. Penny took the pencil out from behind her ear and twirled it, turning it into a wand.

"Adonis better be worth it." She muttered angrily then aimed her wand at the dragon. "Siera!"

A small explosion boomed at the Dragons foot and Penny blinked at the dragon. The dragon looked at Penny then at the explosion with a 'really?' look. Then he charged at Penny.

"Shit." Penny said and started running. "Adonis you better pray you're worth it!"

The dragon blew fire at her, fire that was so close to Penny. Penny screamed and dropped her wand. Then she jumped and turned into a small, cute white bat. She flapped into the air, turned and transformed back to herself. Penny lifted her arms and purple electricity rippled up and down her arms.

"Ahhh!" She screamed and threw a ball of electricity at the dragon.

The ball of electricity hit the dragon in the nose and Penny laughed in shock. She threw another ball of electricity at the dragon then another then another. Until the dragon was lying on the ground, weak. Penny lowered herself to the ground and walked to the dragon.

"Sorry Mr Dragon. But this is for my soulmate. I do hope you lived through that." She said and cut the scales off the dragon.

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