2. Calum's house

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Still short. Let's see if chapter 3 will be better. :(

"Calum Hood." I whisper when I recognize his handsome face. "Fuck, it was... I..."

"So you know me?" He asks and stands up. Slowly, he moves across the room, grabs a chair and places it in front of the door. I swallow the lump in my throat when I realise what he did. He locked me in, covered the only way out. To escape I need to get through him first. And when I look at his toned body, my only thought is that it wouldn't be so easy.

"Of course I know you" I say and roll my eyes to make him think that I am not afraid of him - in reality I am about to shit my pants. "Harry mentioned you once." When I say Harry's name I see anger in his eyes... And it's like for a moment, his eyes changes their colour from deep brown to... light gold? But I shake it off. "I... You... Are you mad? Is that what this is all about, did I do something wrong? You know, Joye's pub is our area. I have every right to deal drugs there and..."

He cuts off my sentence by laughing loudly. "That's what you think? That I am holding you as a hostage because you were on my territory?"

"Well, it makes sense." I say behind my teeth. "But in the case of me being wrong... Why am I here?" I look around the big bedroom. It takes me a while to realise what's wrong - the whole room is blank. No pictures, book, cds, movies... Nothing. It's more like a hotel than a room.

He takes a deep breath and rolls his eyes. "I'll tell you when I feel like it. How's your hand?"

Right, my hand. I look at it... Oh. "It's... Fine."I frown when I see that it is true, it's  looks like a normal hand. "It's... It's fine, funny because I got shot but... I am fine."

"Good. Hungry?"

I nod my head and get up from the bed. He gives me his hand and without a second though I grab it and then I feel it - The sparkle. Something so strong going through my body, like a big wave or a lighting from the sky. It's something so big that I can't describe it. My heart is skipping beats and I swear that blood is boiling in me. Based on the confused look on his face he feels it too. I shake my hand away and see him glaring at the ground. I follow him downstairs, seeing many teenagers and kids on our way down. Am I in a hotel or something? Or in a party? Why is here this many kids?

"My family." Calum says. Oh. This is... Calum's gang? The people he kills with? The people... Shit.

And then it hits me. This is really Calum Hood. The most dangerous guy in the whole state. Every cop is looking for him ( and for me and Harry, lol) everyone knows him... He had robbed banks, killed people with his bare hands... And I am in his house. With his... Gang. One wrong move and he will kill me. Like I am a bug.

I think he sees how nervous I am because he turns around and grabs my arm. Again, sparks. "I am not going to hurt you, angel."

I open my mouth to say something rude but I see the same girl I saw few minutes ago. She sees Calum holding my arm so she smirks and whispers something to the same blond's ear. He smirks too. "What's up pretty girl?" He asks and looks at me. I blush at his words.

"You are not allowed to talk to her, Luke." Calum says.  Okay, this is weird. Calum opens the refrigerator's door. "We have pizza. And pizza... And pizza. You choose."

"I'll take pizza." I say and see Luke and Calum changing some sort of weird looks. I also see the girl staring at me. I don't dare to smile, to be honest I am scared. What if they are going to kill me? I look at the door, already planning my great escape.

"Not gonna happen." Calum's voice says suddenly. "I am not going to let you go."

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