15. Money

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PS. The name of my new C.D fanfic is called B A D L A N D S go check it out <3


She's been sleeping for fourteen hours now. It took me awhile to get my shit together, transform to my human shape and carry her to her apartment. When I walked upstairs, to her apartment I saw Louis leaning against the door, with and worried look on his face and a black eye. What is going on between them? Are they just friends? Or more?

I lay Beth down on her bed and turn off the lights. Just when I'm about to leave the room to ask some questions from Louis, Beth sits up. "Don't go." She says and falls back to the bed. "Do not go. Someone has top spoon me, I'm still cold."

And because she is my mate, the only thing I can do is just to crawl next to her, pull her back against my chest and let her be the little spoon.

And now here I am, after fourteen hours, still spooning her, not able to move. The rest of the night was a pure disaster. She kept moving around, kicking me and every once in awhile I heard her crying in her sleep. Obviously she was tripping. Or something like that. I need to make sure that she will never ever ever never do drugs again. I hate seeing her like this.

Like as a clue she starts to yawn and stretch her hands. "Calum?"

"Yeah." I mutter and burry my face against the back of her neck.

After few minutes she starts to move and tries to take my hands off her but I put up a fight. "Oh c'mon Calum, I smell like vomit, I need to shover."

"It's not that bad." I say and pull her closer. I don't have to let her go, because she didn't command me. "I wanna join you... I could wash your whole body."

The idea of her showering got me excited. But the idea of me joining her made my dick hard.

"Please tell me that the thing poking my back is not your dick." She says and I laugh. "Ewwwh, you pig, let go of me, right now!"

And I do. I am glad that she hadn't figured out this command thing yet, because I know that she will be more than happy about it. I can already see her taking advantage of me, making me do the craziest shit ever.

After ten minutes she comes to room, wearing a big shirt and yoga pants. Instant boner.

"All I got." She says when she sees the tent in my pants. "I am sorry if my giant the 1975 shirt and pants turn you on."

"Don't be sorry. You are quite a view."

"About last night..." She says and sits down on the bed next to me. "I.... I don't know where to start. I was supposed to get drunk, just drunk. But Dominic came... And he just wanted to talk...."

"You mean fuck?" I ask and she looks at me with pure horror on her face. "Did he?" She shakes her head as a now and I bite my lip. What if he did? What if he raped her? What is they had sex and she wanted to? What if she liked it? What if he did something bad to her and she is scared to tell me?

"He wanted to... And he was... Trying to, he has some stuff to hold against me but I fought back. And I escaped. I just... I am not a toy, he can't just boss me around! I thought I was going to die, but thank for Louis I didn't."

I was refiled. He didn't touch her, he tried bu my little mate is stronger than I thought. But then she said his name. Louis fucing what's-his-last-name. Just her saying his name makes me want to kill him.

"Well, when I was with Dominic and he wanted to... Do stuff with me, he um.... Gave me demons, drugs. And I put them to my vodka and I forgot them and drank it... And now I feel like shit."

"Yeah, I heard you vomiting in the bathroom." I say and pat her back. God, she is gorgeous. Wet hair and make-up free. The most beautiful girl ever. "Is there um... What is this Louis-thing. I mean..."

"Oh my, with you." She says and gives me a smile. Her smile is so special for me. I hadn't seen her smiling in a while, only pouting or glaring at me. And then she does it; Pushes my back against the bed and places her head on my chest. Basically, my favourite position with me. Maybe someday her riding me will feel better, but this is quite good too. "He is a friend of mine. I've known him for so many years, probably for my whole tired life. He is my rock, more like my brother. You have no right to be jealous of him and no need either."

"Oh...." I say little bit embarrassed and swallow in relief. "I was jealous, I admit that. I just feel odd. Anyway, so... Dominic? I know him right?"

"Yep, you do. He has his own gang, I used to work for him with... Harry." She says and I feel my blood boiling again. Dominic, fucking Dominic. I knew Beth being my mate is going to cause me some trouble. I just knew it. But I can handle this, I always can. It's just that I hate him. And I hate Harry too. Actually, I hate every single male she knows. "Ummm... Calum? Why do I feel funny every once in a while? Like, right now? I feel so mad but I don't know why."

"Really?" I ask and feel her nodding as a yes. "It's a.... Mate thing, you know? We are supposed to share emotions, even visions. Like last night, when I was looking for you, I saw what you saw, stars. And every once in a while I feel your emotions."

"Wow." She whispers. "Do you feel what I feel right now?"

"No." I say and she laughs. "It usually happens when you feel something strong, something that controls your whole mind and body."

"And right now.... "Beth says and sits up. "you are mad?" She asks and I nod my head as a yes. "Cool....I need to vomit again." She says and runs to the bathroom.

I smile when she comes back, brushing her teeth.

So beautiful.

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