7. Luke = Hot damn

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Hey all the amazing people! I wanted to take a moment to thank @warmhugscal & @5SOSILIFE. They are both A M A Z I N G people and great authors. CHECK THEM OUT. And also, my bae, my friend, my... My... My child (wtf???) @Ciara_h_x for being my side 24/7 and reading A L L my stories. Srsl woman, friend, child, if you ever need someone to talk to, find me. (Lol, everyone, I am always here for you, no matter if you are my child or not) but @Chiara_h_x this one is for you. <3

Also, I finally made a trailer for this story. I have a long way in front of me but I got these three amazing ppl with me, if you ever need something, call me! Okay, more like dm me with wattpad, you don't have my number... So... Anyway. Bye.

I'mma... Go now.


I am sick btw. That's why this is so horrible.

So... Bye.


I open my eyes and see Calum staring at me. So... That's so fucking creepy. "Hi." I mutter with my raspy morning voice. "You look hella stupid when you stare at me like that. I can't figure out if you wanna eat me or eat me out..."

He rolls his eyes and gets up from the chair. "How are you feeling?" Straight to the point, I see. "You very pretty drunk..."

"High." I say and smile widely. "I was high."

"You had a bottle in your hand." Calum says and glares at me. "And I smelled the alcohol in you, unless... Unless you... Did you?" I frown and sit up. Wow, I am not feeling that great. "Did you?"

"Did I what?"I ask, too tired to understand what he means. His eyes are staring at me untill he looks at something that is little bit under my chin. His eyes go wide and they change colour to black. "I guess you did." He says. I press my fingers to the sore spot and chuckles when I feel pain. "You find this amusing?"

"Yeah." I say and laugh again. "Aren't you supposed to be like a werewolf or something? This is the moment when you explode from anger and change..." The voice of his bones craking makes me stop and cover my eyes. Shit, I really didn't think he would do that! My eyes go wide when I see the big wolf staring at me. He really IS a werewolf. It really is true.

"Calum, don't go." I say but it's too late. He jumps out of the open window and starts to run. "CALUM!" I scream after him but he doesn't turn around. I sigh and open his closet to find a clean shirt. This is going to be a long day.


He has been gone for four hours and I am bored to death. While I was waiting I had a lot of time to think; I still am not going to stay here. First I thought that I will, but being around him distracts me from Harry and if Dominic finds out... (Okay, first Zayn was her DA BOSS but I found it odd and changed it.) That makes me dead. And the way he just got mad made me realise how stupid he is... And he is a werewolf.

He really is werewolf. I need to hear more about it, he has to teach me. I can hardly believe it. It's not supposed to be possible! But it is.. Somehow it really is.

Someone knocks on the door. After I tell them to come in I see Luke's head peaking behind the door. "Hi." He says. "Where's Calum?" I shrug my shoulders and I see him frowning. "Shit, I really need his help..."

"Can I help you?" I ask, full of hope; I could finally do something and maybe find out more about Calum and all this werewolf thing.

But unlucky for me, he shakes his head as a no. "I need to go and sell some shit and..."

"I'D LOVE TO HELP!" I say and stand up. "I am sooooo good at selling, trust me. I can help you." I smile widely and after few seconds of thinking, Luke slowly nods his head as a yes. "Yei!"


"I got to admit, you are good." Luke says when we sit down on a rock. "You have some serious charisma. No wonder why Dominic wanted you to join his gang, but I got to say, our pack... Gang is better."

"Pack?" I ask curiously and laugh a little. "Like, wolf family?" He nods and I laugh again, this time with a nervous tone. "I find this so hard to believe... You all are wolfs, right? You, Mali, Calum.."

"Oh hell yeah." Luke says and opens the pack of ice cream. "The house is full of wolves. We have so much fun during full moons." I roll my eyes and laugh again, taking a spoon from Luke and eating the delicious Ben & Jerry ice cream. "I also have to say that Calum is the greatest and sometimes the worst alpha. This place..."He says and points at the river in front of us..."Is the place where he took me after my first transformation. I was scared to death, I shithed my pants all day long... And he never told anyone. He just calmed me down and told me to keep calm because he got my back."

"Okay." I say. In some levels, the imagine of Luke shitting his pants makes me laugh, but I've seen calum turning into a wolf and... And that was hella scary. So how about me turning into a one? I would probably shit my pants too. "Well, what makes him the worst alpha?"

"His anger issues... And he usually does the first thing that pops into his head, like running away from his mate..."

"Mate?" I ask, little bit confused by this one. Luke's cheeks turns to red and he chuckles little bit.

"You know, mate. Buddie. Friend. Pal..." Luke says and laughs again. He is clearly lying. "If you wanna know something about it, ask Calum. He is your mate... Pal. He is your Cal-pal."

"So... You are not my mate? We are not friends?" I ask, little bit hurt by his words. I thought that we were friends! We had some much fun while we were selling drugs!

"Oh, we are friends...It's just... Are you avoiding someone? Your phone has been buzzing all day!" Luke says.

"It has? Oh..." I grab it from my pocket and frown. "34 missed calls from... 'Sexy alpha king?'"

"Calum." Luke says and laughs. "Mine says 'Six-pack king.' He has this... Thing for funny names. Anyway, I think we have to go back, 34 missed calls from Calum is not good. C'mon, let me take you home m'lady."

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