(EDITED) 12. I wanna be drunk when I wake up

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This story is getting really popular. Never did I ever think I'll say this, but it is true. Thank you everyone for voting and not killing me when I hadn't been updating.


It's 2 AM and I am too high to remember my own name. Well, actually, I don't remember anything, but that's not the point. The point is that I don't even remember WHY am I high? I just feel like I am lost in my own world, surrounded by sweaty bodies and weed.
All I remember is Calum. He had been calling me all night, but something in me tells me to ignore him. I don't know why I'm ignoring him. No, I do.

I don't need him.

And I don't want him.

All I need and want is weed. Nothing else. From this very day, I am going to own my life to weed. No boys, no girls, no job, no family, just weed. And well, maybe little pizza every now and then, but that's it. Just me and weed.

Sadly, I need to shower once in a day and use the toilet. So no just 'me and weed.' Life sucks. Anyway, I do wanna answer Calum. I wanna answer him a lot, but to be honest, I like being chased by him. I need to know that he is completely serious about me, that I am not just a girl to him. I wanna be his everything.

Wait... What am I thinking? He is a werewolf. Not matter what, nothing will change that. Werewolf now, werewolf tomorrow. And he is also bae, but that's not the point. And he is sexy too. And funny. And hot. And cute... yeah, bae.

"Hey darling." A deep husky and very familiar voice says behind my back. SO yeah, Calum being a werewolf is not the only reason why I can't be with him. Dominic is. And I, if someone know that you just can't runaway from him. "You look good in that little black dress. But I bet that it looks better on my bedroom floor."

"I guess you'll never know." I should keep my mouth shut. I should smile and nod, and hope that he just wants a quick fuck, no cuddles nor anything else. But something in his eyes tells me that once I give up, I'll always be his. And that is something I don't want. I mean who does? This guy, is a killer and a rapist.

"Damn, you must be high." He says and laughs to my ear. "Like.... high. Or are you? Maybe you took something liiiittttlllllleee bit stronger."

"Yeah?" I press my back and but against him, slowly moving against him. He groans loudly and grabs my hips, pulling me harder closer to him. "Feels good? Guess what feels even better? My knife chopping your dick!" I pull away and turn to face him. It takes ten seconds from me to see straight, but it's cool. I am cool. Calum is cool. Calum is bae. And I am high.

"Oh sweetie..." Dominic says behind his teeth. "I just wanna talk to you."

"You mean during you fuck me?"

"If you insist." He says and grabs my hand. Suddenly, I feel something in my hand. A paper. I open my hand and see a small picture of me standing next to a big wolf... Fuck. I look up to Dominic and see him smiling. Before I have time to raise my hand and hit him, he turns away, nodding and telling me to follow him. Shit.

"You'd think, that sitting in a limo with a class of fancy champagne in your hand and a hot guy next to you, would be funny, but no. I'd rather be in the woods, next to my warm bae and having pizza than spend another seconds in this damn limo.

"Where's Harry?" He asks.

Who's Harry? I think. Harry. Harry. Prince Harry? The ginger? THE HOT ONE? OMFG, IS HE HERE? WAS ME WITH HIM? WAS ME? ME WITH THE HOTTIE? ME LOVES HIM!

But... no. I was in a bar. Without him. If Prince Harry would be there, I think I'd know. I have adar for baes.

"Harry?" I ask when it hits me. "Oh.... Harry." I can't say that he left. For my own good, and for his too. We'll both get hurt. "He broke up with me...." I say slowly, trying to figure out the lie I was supposed to tell.

"And do you often hang out with Calum?" He asks and I swallow loudly.



"Knock knock?"

"Beth, stop." Dominic says again, and glares at me.

"Knock knock."

"Fine... who's there?"

"Britney Spears."

"Britney Spears who?" He asks and rolls his eyes.

"Knock knock."

"Who's there?"


"Shut up." He says and I do like he says. "Here's what we are gonna do...." he says while he starts to rub his hand against my thigh. And it doesn't feel that good. Actually, it feels so bad. Very bad. I wanna vomit.

"Hey, please don't..." I say and move away from him. "I don't want have anything to do with you."

"You are forgetting something." He whispers and leans closer. "You don't have a choise. You better do this.." his fingers are moving closer and closer to my covered core. "Or I will tell everyone about Calum and then I will kill him." He says. What can I do? Nothing.

So I just nod and let him kiss me.

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