2) The Morning Trip

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I was up just as early as ever. I never particularly enjoyed it, but I liked to savor that little bit of cool air I got before needing to get a move on. Besides, I promised to visit the family a few blocks down.

We helped each other out here. It sucked to see the kids though. It's not that they weren't sweet, but this place was all they had known. These buildings were their only protection. Still they always loved when I would see them. The youngest girl was Andrea. She was a cute little seven year old with great climbing skills. Owen was only six months older, but he looked after her. They loved each other with all their hearts. It was bittersweet to know they'd put down their lives for each other.

Shaking those thoughts out of my head I grabbed my satchel. I needed food, and they needed water.

I was placing what I needed in there when Newt had sat up. Yawning and rubbing his eyes he asked what I was doing.
"Nothing important. Go back to sleep,"I whispered.
"I can't. I'm a morning person."
"The grogginess in your voice says otherwise. I'll be back later,"I assured him.
"Why can't I go?"
"You don't even know where I'm going,"I reminded him.

He looked at me, and I could tell he wasn't going to give up.
"Fine. There's a family right next to us. I need to make some trades, and I promised the kids I'd come back soon,"I explained. He looked at me sideways.
"There are seriously kids out here?"
"That's what I said isn't it? You probably don't want to-"
"I want to see the kids."

I took a deep breath. I needed to head out before it got to hot, and he was insistent on coming for some reason. This battle just wasn't worth it.

"Okay. Let's go,"I sighed. He scrambled up way too excited for this.

"I'm warning you ahead of time. They have to be cautious of any strangers. Let me introduce you first."
"Good that,"He said, smiling ear to ear. I don't know exactly what that meant, but I do know he reminded me of a Golden Retriever. The blonde hair only intensified that.

I slowly opened the door and just as slowly shut it. It slams closed and gets stuck way to easily.

"What are their names?"He asked, already awake.
"You really are a morning person,"I remarked.
"Aren't you though?"He questioned.
"Now I am. I don't like sleeping out here. Especially when I hear the storms."
"They come and go. They have the worst lightning to. It could kill you,"I told him. He looked more nervous now, like my words could summon one.

"Don't worry about it. You'll know if it's brewing,"I said, waving him off. He didn't look any more convinced. "Look, I know what I'm doing. I've been out here for months now. I'll tell you when something's off,"I reassured him. A little bit of color finally came back to his face. That was quick. He really was a Golden Retriever.


Despite the fact that he hadn't kicked my ankle too hard it was messing up my leg worse today. It was already an inconvenience, and this certainly didn't help.

It was weird though. As we walked I realized he had one to. I'm hoping it's from something out here. He's far to kind to wish otherwise.

"Are they good kids?"He asked.
"They're absolutely amazing. Owen is such an angel. He's a bit shy though which you wouldn't expect because he's the oldest. Andrea is just a little daredevil. Mrs.Cammie always has to tell her to stop climbing things. Eventually, we made a deal that she could climb with me."

I stopped my rambling once I realized I was probably going overboard. I felt his eyes on me like he was expecting something. "Yeah?"I asked.
"Nothing. You're just so much less scary you're talking about them. It's kind of adorable. I take it they mean a lot to you."

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