Thats What She Said

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So last night was a hunters moon or something, right? And I just had to comment on it cause I'm me. We were in the car driving home from dinner. This is how my conversation with my mom went.

"Look at the moon its so pretty!" *gazes out window with a stupid face.*

"I can't, I'm driving." *insert all the sarcasm and annoyance in the world.

Drives in silence for a while. Little dumbass Hope searches for moon behind trees wishing for x-ray vision. Moon decides to pop out like a weasel.

"Its so big. *pauses a moment forgets her mother is listening* That's what she said!* Says it like a true stupid mother chucker. Realizes, to late, that mother is paying attention.


"Just kidding!! Hahaha Jk *insert awkward laughter* You know I was joking right?"


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