Midnight Memories

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Last night or early this morning I had a dream about a crush I had in seventh grade. I have decided to write about him a bit. Below is one of my greatest and most cherished memories. Hate on it and I will kill.

It was the last day of my seventh grade year and everyone was saying their soggy goodbyes. I was standing by the bus loop thinking about how conveniently all the hot guys in my school were eighth graders and how nice it was that they were all about to leave. Not!!! A girl already stole my Niall Horan sharpie so I was not okay. As I started walking towards the end of most probably the best school year of my life I received a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see none other than my crush Zach.

"Can I have that hug now?"


It was fifth period, P.E.. This was the one class I shared with Zach.

"Do it, go for it!!!" My friends said egging me on. I had come up with the idea to ask Zach for a hug and my friends were making me see it through.

I looked over at him shooting hoops and directed my path to take me to him. I was nervous but my steps determined. I square my shoulders, plaster on a smile, and step in front of him.

"Would you like a hug?" Extending my arms from my sides I drop them when he says....

"No. Not now, maybe later though."

I walked back to my friends disappointed.

*End of Flashback*

"Can I have that hug now?" He requests. I break out into the biggest grin.

"Yeah, of course." He engulfs me into his arms.

You're probably thinking "Wow he gave you a hug. Good for you."

Let me explain. First there's the fact that he remembered that day. Second, he was at least six feet tall. Bitches I am only five two and a half. I was probably five two or less at that time. Third was that he gave ME a hug. That in itself made my year. And he was hot af. Like I am surprised he hugged a peasant potato.

I really don't know any other ways to convince you that this was the best thing ever.

A/N: Comment what you think, I enjoy reading those. Tbh comments are better than votes. For the price of at least three comments from three different people I will write a life note about a topic that each of the commenters choose. That is at least three life notes guys!!! So please, tell me what you wanna know.

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