Backstage Issues

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Sometimes I think being confident is a problem if you have a big mouth like me...

*Backstage at my chorus's Spring Show*

*Random chatter blab blab blah* *talks to boy who is a year older and is volunteering*

"I am so sexy." *makes constipated "sexy" face*

*Boy stares at Hope in silence with a disgusted, okay not disgusted really confused, look on face*

"You don't THINK I'M SEXY!!"

"Well..." *Looks around awkwardly* *Hope elbows boy in the stomach*

"Owww! What was that for!"

"For thinking I'm not sexy!"

*Scratches back of head awkwardly* "It's just weird to think of a middle schooler as sexy."

*Laughs like a maniac* "Sure thats what it is."

*Continues conversation as if nothing ever happened*

Yeah, I'm weird. Thanks for reading

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