If wishes were fishes...

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So I have like fifteen crushes and like all of them are upper class men. Can we just take a moment and cry for me?!!!

And all of my crushes seem to either be on the drum line in band or in Chorus. They know I exist yet few of them KNOW I exist, ya know?

One gives me a hug every time I can catch him but he's an upper class men and too good for me so that's not going anywhere. He drums.

Then ones a senior in Chorus in the men's a Capella group. He's just a little bit out of my limit, smells good, and also gives me hugs.

Another one is actually a freshman but he's way to good for me. Tbh all my crushes are too good for me. I am potato af and proud of it until I realize I will never be in a relationship *sobs*.

*Sigh*, tell me about your woes I'm sick of talking about mine.

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