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Update on my savage crush: He got a girlfriend

Now here's a little note that shows another example of my savagery. 

It was lunch time and me being the social butterfly I am was flitting around table to table. This happened today and is with one of the boys from the yearbook incident. It is short af but at least its something.

"Hey Hope, can I have your number?" Boy asks as I walk by.

"No." Is my simple answer as I continue on my social journey to legit bother and talk to every person in the lunch room.  All the boys sitting at his table "Ohhh" and say phrases adding up to the meaning of "Savage" and "Get wrecked".

Or at least I think they did. I had to many people to visit to actually waste time and turn around #BallerStatus

P.S. He was a fuckboy so I was doing the world a favor.

P.P.S I should have said 1-800-HotlineBling or 1-800- FuckNo


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