HOSHI- Type girl pt 1

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Kyung Mi - Main Character (small/long smut ff)
Quick information: Kyung Mi's best friends are Kyun Jamie and Yunha and they are dating Joshua, Jun and mingyu*** Ericka is Hoshi's childhood friend. Btw this is a very mess ff***


My best friend Jamie invited Me to her birthday party and I'm very excited since it's her birthday and I get to see Jamie, Kyun and Yunha andddd....their boyfriends friends. I only seen them like 5 times at parties or hangouts ;/

I am running late since of traffic and I am getting very pissed since everyone is waiting for me and I'm gonna look like a fool but oh well?


I finally got to Mingyu and Jamie's place and ranged the door bell waiting for someone to open the door which didn't take long. "Your here!" Mingyu said and hugged me, "I know right? Traffic really killed me" I sigh and walked in taking off my shoes then handing him Jamie's gif. I followed him then he started screaming in the living room. "Babe your girlfriend is here" I heard tons of high pitched girly screams and saw Kyun Jamie and Yunha running twords me jumping all over their boyfriends except Jamie since hers is standing

"Girl! You took years to get here!" Yunha said to be as they all hugged me. "I knowwww but don't blame me since it was traffic" I said and pulled away the hug. "It's okay we didn't start anything except playing games, "Jamie assured me making me smile and nodded.

They all pulled me in the living room where all the guys and girls were. There's a lot of guys then I expected.... awkward hahah
I sat next on the floor hugging my legs next to mingyu who had Jamie on his lap. "I sure you all know Kyung Mi but for those who don't know she is my best friend who is singleee and ready to mingleeee" Jamie said while I looked at her and cringed at her. "You can stop now" I whispered to her making her laugh. " Joking but yea shes is my best friend with Yunha and Kyun." Jamie finally said smiling.

"Should we play games to make Kyung Mi more come with us?" One of the guys asked as they all nodded and agreed. "You cool with that?" Mingyu asked me as I nodded.

"What game tho?" Kyun asked as they all didn't know what game but I had one in mind. I haven't played it for a while, I think the last time I played it was back in highschool.

"I have one. I think this game will tense everyone up since you all look bored as hell and dry" I said and changed my sitting position, sitting on my lower legs. "Ouu what is it?" One of the guys asked me. "Well I have three. One : Kiss, Fuck, Lick and Two : Truth or dare but adult version and Three : three truths or a three shots" I said making them look at each other and smile.

"Let's not do there or dare since we already played that" Joshua said as I nodded. "Okay...so which one do y'all wanna play first?" I asked tucking my hair back behind my ear, "kiss fuck lick" mingyu spoke. We nodded and played around the circle. My name was in one of the three for a few times and it was all fun. But while we were playing one of the guys was staring at me like if they knew me which was weird but I don't mind since I'm new to them you know? He's hot too to be honest but I don't mind it ig. I also now knew some of them.

"Kyung Mi your last" Jamie got me back to my senses after staring at that dude who was looking at me. "Oh hm?" I looked at her

"Kiss fuck lick - Jihoon, Wonwoo or Soon-young." She pointed at the three guys that I had to pick. Oh that's Soon-young? I asked myself and looked at him who smirked then moved on to Wonwoo who had a cold face on and Jihoon who didn't look like he cared.

"Kiss Jihoon..uh fuck- s-soonyoung? And lick Wonwoo" I said looking at my friends who were fangirling and clapping their hands "that's crazy! I thought you would fuck Wonwoo!" Kyung shouted making me cover my face with my hands.

"Anyways let's go on with the next game" Chan giggled and got up to go get the shot cups and the alcohol.

"Uh I'll me right back" I said catching their attention. "You okay?" Yunha looked at me, "yes I'm fine. I just need to go use the restroom" I said and went upstairs to go use the restroom.

I got in the bathroom and slightly closed the door and pulled out my phone. "What does this mother fucker want now?" I asked and answered the call.

"Kyung Mi baby I missed you" ugh hearing his voice gives me a headache, "what do you want? Why are you not over me?" I asked him in a rude way, "come on baby I know you want me, I miss when you-" someone knocked on the door. "Everything alright?" It was Soon-young. He cooled me down.

"Oh yea everything is alright-"

"Hey? Who's that? You seeing someone?" My ex yelled making me embarrassed, "n-" then he took my phone and spoke.

"Yes now could you fuck off now? We are really busy" he said and ended the call then handed me my phone, "thank you" I told him. "Someone's true colors showed" he said going in the bathroom, "fuck off" I said and walked back down the stairs.

"Your back. Did I see Soon-young?" They asked me, "yea why?" I asked and sat down, "did you guys make out?" Kyun asked

"What! No? Why" I shook my head. "Then what took so long?" They all were about to tease me when I told them. "My ex called me and was begging me to come back to him" I said

"He's still on you? I thought he was with some chick name Kang Ericka?" I shrugged my shoulders, "Ericka is here?" Soon-youngs voice was heard we all turned behind us seeing someone walking for the stairs fixing his pants.

"You guys know Ericka?" I asked

"Yea? She's his childhood friend " me+Kyun+Jamie+Yunha turned to Jun, "huh?" Kyung was confused

"Enough about Ericka" Soon-young was suddenly pissed, things for quiet for a bit. "Uhm let's play the other game huh?" Jamie suddenly spoke, "yea let's do that" I said us forming into a circle again and getting comfortable again.

"Kyung Mi you go first since your the one who suggested it" Jamie said tapping my thigh. "Uhm okay" I said and felt everyone's eyes at me, "three truths. I'm 24, I live alone and-"

"Mi don't be so boring, make it spicy...we three know what you have done" Yunha said main g everyone hear, "I swear I don't know why I'm friends with you all" I joked around and sigh.

"Fine if you want something spicy I will do it. I work as a striper, I've been in at least 1 relationship in my whole life and lastly I am still a virgin believe it or not" I said hearing so many gasp.

"Your still a virgin?" Mingyu laughed at me, "so?"

"Enough mingyu" Jamie shut him up finally, "okay next?"

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