-chapter 16-

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After we laugh more I can hear Karen's stomach growl. "Hungry?" I ask looking at her she nods. I look at Kenny then Karen. "I'll take you out to eat. My treat!" I say smiling. I can see the sparkle in her eyes. "Thank you!" She jumps up and hugs me. I look at Kenny and he's smiling. I smile back and hug Karen.

I pick her up and walk out the room. Kenny follows from behind. I carry her while we walk down to a McDonald's. We all go in and Kenny sits down. I give him Karen and walk up. I order a happy meal with chocolate milk, and then another happy meal with no drink. Then get a coffee for Kenny. After some time they finally give me my food. I pay and walk up to the two. I place down the happy meal for Karen and sit next to her.

She eats all her food like she hasn't eaten in awhile. I look at Kenny who's drinking his coffee. "Want some chicken nuggets?" I say pulling the box out of my happy meal.

"Oh no those are yours I can't have them." He says. "Oh come on! paying you back from when you took me to that restaurant." I say. He smiles and takes the box.

I look at Karen who had finished her whole meal and is drinking her milk. "What do you wanna do after this Karen?" I ask looking down at her. "Because your my best friend, we should go to the park!" She yells with a smile. My heart felt warm. My boyfriends sister calling me her best friend was adorable.  I stand up. "Well let's throw away our trash." She takes off running to the trash. Kenny grabs my waist and pulls me close. "She seems to like you." He says. I put my arm around his and rest my head on it. "She makes me feel like I'm a mother." I say with a smile. "Maybe you can be her mother." He whispers to me.

That makes me blush and I go walk up to the trash to throw my stuff away. Karen runs up to Kenny. Kenny picks her up and twirls her in the air. It almost looks like we're a family. I wonder if me and Kenny are gonna have a family of our own when we're older. Will we still be together.

(sorry this is short and came out a bit late. It's cuz someone kept distracting me and he knows who he is)

The girl I saw that night// kenjorine Where stories live. Discover now