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"What would we even sing about?"Kenny says.

"Well what do you guys wanna sing about?" Bebe asks. "Y-you mean what genre?" Tweek says. "Yes!" Bebe yells. I tilt my head. "What genre are we?" I say. "We can be a rock band!" Kenny yells slamming his fist into his hand. "Rock can you handle that tweek?" Bebe says looking at tweek. "Yeah of course." Tweek says. Bebe looks over at me.

"A rock band sounds lovely." I say.

"But I don't think these outfits exactly fit?" Kenny says crossing his arms. "We can be a unquie style of band kenneth." Bebe says rolling her eyes and inviting us over into an area in the room. It's a table with 4 seats. We all take a seat. She has a stack of paper lying there.

Tweek takes a mug of coffee that bebe had laid out for him. He sips it slowly. "What should our first song be about?" Bebe says clicking her pen. "You should write in pencil cause I know you'll fuck up a lot." Kenny says. "Haha kenny." Bebe says. I sometimes get jealous of their relationship. It feels like they're closer. And I'm not. I'm nothing to Kenny.

"You ok Marj?" Tweek says nudging me. "Yes I'm fine." I whisper to him. "Guys! Think what should our first song should be about." Bebe asks. "Killing orphans." Tweek says. "TWEEK- HAH." Kenny starts laughing. "Death?" I say. "You guys are giving me indie band ideas." Bebe says crossing her arms. "Then let's be a indie band." Tweek says. "Yeah I think a Indie band is not bad." Kenny says. Bebe rolls her eyes. "Okay then what should our song be about?" Bebe says. I raise my hand.

"You don't have to raise your hand stupid. And yes?" Bebe says. I can see Kenny glaring at her. "About maybe someone wanting to be stuck in someone's head after they break up. And they're trying to make it like so the whole world will always know." I say. "Creative!" Tweek shouts. "Okay that's not bad." Bebe says writing down that as a suggestion. "Being cooler then everyone." Kenny then says. "Lame one but okay that'll go with killing orphans." Bebe says rolling her eyes.

I smile while they go on with suggestions.

The girl I saw that night// kenjorine Where stories live. Discover now